Office of Career Advancement and Industrial Networking

Office of Career Advancement and Industrial Networking


The Office of Career Advancement and Industrial Networking (OCeAN), Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), was officially established on 23 Muharram 1443H corresponding to 1 September 2021M, and is under the control of UNISSA Assistant Rector (Students’ and Alumni’s Affairs).

As the world today is facing challenges in the increase of unemployment rate with limited job opportunities, it is rather important for UNISSA students and graduates to possess not only academic excellence and qualification, but also certain marketable skills and values required by the current industries. Therefore, this office was established with the aim to help them develop and sharpen their employability skills for them to have bright and sustainable careers in the future.


  • To provide the appropriate information to stakeholders, particularly employers, on students or alumni with prospects.
  • To build and expand networks with various agencies to identify significant work skills which are in line with the needs of the country and the latest global industrial requirements.
  • To offer relevant programs and activities to improve students’ and alumni’s skills and maximize their self-potential.
  • To provide significant input to the University’s faculties and centres so as to upgrade and diversify the courses or programs offered.

Contact Info

Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
Spg 347, Jalan Pasar Gadong
BE 1310 Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Tel: +673 2462000

+673 8113725



Working Hours

Monday – Thursday & Saturday
7:45 am– 12:15 pm | 1:30 pm– 4:30 pm

Contact Info

Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali
Spg 347, Jalan Pasar Gadong
BE 1310 Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Tel: +673 2462000

+673 8113725



Working Hours

Monday – Thursday & Saturday
7:45 am– 12:15 pm | 1:30 pm– 4:30 pm