AR-RĀ’IQ | JALL | Journal of Arabic Linguistics and Literature
| Journal of Halal Science and Technology (JHST) |
Al-Shafi’i | International Journal of Islamic Contemporary Studies | IJUS | International Journal of Umranic Studies | iEco | Islamic Economics Journal |
MAFAZA | International Journal of Legal Studies and Policies | Simpur Journal of Agricultural Sciences |
The Simpur Journal of Agricultural Sciences (SJAS) a biannual international journal, peer-reviewed,published by the publisher of the Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Brunei Darussalam, and managed by the Faculty of Agriculture. It is named after Brunei Darussalam’s national flower to evoke the national significance of agriculture to Brunei Darussalam and it also symbolized growth, resilience and vitality. These are the qualities that aligned perfectly with Agriculture field.
SJAS publishes papers and scholarly studies related to Agriculture in English language. The primary objective of publishing the journal is to contribute to the dissemination of knowledge in agriculture, agribusiness and aquaculture and related aspects.
SJAS is a double-blind peer-reviewed international academic journal published bi-annually (June and December). SJAS invites prospective authors to submit original and unpublished works in areas that include, but are not limited to, agriculture, agribusiness and aquaculture and related aspects. It is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an up-to-date, academic, authoritative, and critical analysis of agriculture, agribusiness and aquaculture across the globe.
SJAS accepts manuscripts that are free from plagiarism and academic malpractices. The papers submitted will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin plagiarism detection tools. The papers submitted to the SJAS must have a similarity level of less than 25% excluding the list of references. If the paper contains similarity above 25%, the paper should be revised or rejected. As of now, all submissions accepted for publication do not require Article Processing Charge (APC).
SJAS is available in electronic form as well as in printed form. The on-line version is free to access and download.
The International Journal of Legal Studies and Policy (IJLSP), a publication of the Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Faculty of Law, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam invites contributions for its maiden edition. The IJLSP is a platform to facilitate thoughtful analysis and evaluation of current legal issues and policies in diverse areas of law. The contributions must be original, well research, and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere.
AR-RĀ’IQ is an academic refereed journal which is published biannually in June and December by the Centre for Research and Publication, UNISSA. The journal provides a platform for experts in the areas of Islamic Law, Islamic Studies, Linguistics, Islamic Economics and Finance, Management, Malay Culture and Civilization and other related fields to express their views in relation to those issues.
International Journal of Umranic Studies (IJUS) (Al-Majallah al-‘Ālamiyyah li al-Dirāsāt al-‘Umrāniyyah) is a blind peer-reviewed journal published biannually, in January and July, by the Faculty of Islamic Development Management, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Negara Brunei Darussalam. IJUS welcomes the multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary studies associated with Umranic studies, Islamic History & Civilization and Islamic Development Management, which may range from (but not limited to) Islamic ethics, Islamic economy/banking and finance, Islamic education, religious studies, kalām, Islamic thought and philosophy, geography, literature, sports, architecture, psychology, language, environment, humanities, sociology and anthropology.
Journal of Halal Science and Technology (JHST) is an international refereed academic journal focusing on the contemporary issues of halal. It is a double-blind peer reviewed, international academic journal published bi-annually (June and December) by Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA).
Al-Shafi’i: International Journal of Islamic Contemporary Studies will be an annual scholarly work published by MSRC with the hope that it can be an impetus to further increase research activities among UNISSA academics as an integration of academic responsibility to serve the community towards the development of Islam in Brunei Darussalam.
The Mafaza Journal is a biannual international Usuluddin Studies journal, peer-reviewed, published by the publisher of Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University (UNISSA), Brunei Darussalam, and managed by the Faculty of Usuluddin (FOU). It publishes papers and scholarly studies related to the science of Usuluddin in Malay, English, and Arabic languages. The primary objective of publishing the Mafaza journal is to contribute to the understanding of fundamental aspects and principles in various scholarly fields within Usuluddin studies, such as issues related to Al-Aqīdah and Philosophy, Quranic Readings (Methods of Recitation of the Holy Qurʾān), Tafsīr and Ulum al-Qurʾān, Hadīth and Ulum al-Hadīth, Comparative Religion, Da’wah and Community, Sufism and Ethics. Schools of Islamic Theology and - Islamic Contemporary Thoughts Issues.
مجلة مفازة
هي مجلة دولية محكمة نصف سنوية للبحوث في مجال أصول الدين، تُنشر من قبل جامعة السلطان الشريف علي الإسلامية في بروناي دار السلام، وتُديرها كلية أصول الدين. وتنشر المجلة مقالات ودراسات علمية ذات صلة بعلم أصول الدين باللغات الملايوية والإنجليزية والعربية. والهدف الرئيسي لنشر المجلة هو تقديم الإسهامات في فهم الجوانب الأساسية والمبادئ الإسلامية في مختلف مجالات العقيدة والفلسفة، القراءات القرآنية، التفسير وعلوم القرآن، الحديث وعلومه، مقارنة الأديان، الدعوة والمجتمع، التصوف والأخلاق، الفرق الإسلامية والمذاهب الفكرية، وقضايا الفكر الإسلامي المعاصرة.
Islamic Economics Journal (iEco) is an international refereed academic journal published annually by the Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance (UNISSA). This journal aims to publish papers which are most impactful and thought-leading substantive research in the field of Islamic Economics.
Journal of Arabic Linguistics and Literature (JALL) is an open access and double-blind peer reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Arabic Language, UNISSA, Brunei Darussalam.