UNISSA Sustainability Policy
As an Islamic university in Brunei Darussalam, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) is committed to support the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in line with the national vision, Maqasid Shariah and Wawasan Brunei 2035 through various impactful activities, programmes and services.
Currently, UNISSA comprises approximately 1,900 students and 300 staff on our Gadong and Sinaut campuses. Our current sustainability framework is aligned with the university’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, which incorporated sustainability element in 5 strategic cores, encompassing all three pillars of sustainability: social inclusion, environmental protection, and economic growth. The Sustainability Framework covers the following 5 key areas:
At UNISSA, we continue to increase awareness and understanding of sustainability by incorporating education for sustainable development in all our academic and non-academic programmes. Our students are trained to have a sense of belonging and responsibility towards the community and environment through quality academic programmes and community engagement whilst preserving its Islamic values at the centre of its operations.
In terms of education ecosystem, we are also committed to provide sustainable and conducive learning environment as we aspire to become a smart university by strengthening its digital infrastructure and facilities.
As a government public university, we are committed to ensuring transparency, accountability, and adherence to rule of law in our governance and public services as it practices sustainable operations that meet international standards and best practices.
As a developing higher education institution, we are committed to becoming more active in conducting research projects and producing publications related to sustainability through collaborations with the government, industries, universities, and communities.
We are committed to actively expanding our network locally and globally by working closely with higher education institutions, the government and non-government organisations in monitoring, practicing, and promoting sustainability through mobility programs, conferences, research, and community services.
We are committed to engaging actively with the community through various activities and programmes that can help contribute to the achievement of the SDGs and the sustainable development of Ummah. Not only such activities and programmes help UNISSA staffs and students further improve their interpersonal and soft skills, but they can also become proactive citizens who are committed to make impactful contributions to the community and the environment.
Reporting & Governance
The Strategic Planning and Development Office and Sustainable Development Goal Planning and Monitoring (SDG PM) Committee serve to ensure the Sustainability Framework is implemented, aligned with our 2024-2028 Strategic Plan. To ensure its effective implementation, we continue to monitor, assess, and improve our strategies to meet legal compliance and best practice. Our performance is monitored, communicated, and made publicly available online via the university’s website.
This Policy will be reviewed annually by the Sustainable Development Goal Planning and Monitoring (SDG PM) Committee, with progress reported annually to the SDG PM Committee and onwards to the University Principal Officer Meeting.
Below is a list of current policies relating to sustainability practices at the University:
- Sustainable Governance Policy
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Sustainable Procurement Policy
- Sustainable Investment Policy
- Sustainable Environment Policy
- Smoke-free Policy
- Sustainable Health and Well-being Policy
As an Islamic public university, we are also committed to create an inclusive environment where all staff and students are given equal opportunities in education, training, healthcare, employment, ownership of assets, and benefits, including allowances, accommodation, and maternity leave. We adhere to eliminate any act of discrimination and harassment regardless age, gender, disability, race and religion according to the Laws of Brunei Trade Unions Act, CAP. 128, section 19 as reported by International Labour Organisation as stated in the following sources of reference:
As a public university, we are committed to comply with the Brunei Government Procurement Policies and Procedures which stated that “all government purchases must comply with the Financial Regulations of 1983, which require fairness, openness, competitiveness, integrity and efficiency in the government procurement policies”.
As a public university, we are committed to comply with Brunei Darussalam’s Economic Blueprint which stated in one of its six (6) aspirations (Sustainable Environment) that “in pursuit of economic progress, we will remain mindful of the preservation of our environment…”. This is aligned with the Goal 3 of Wawasan Brunei 2035 that strives to achieve the four (4) national economic outcomes. One of the outcomes is high and sustainable economic growth which can be achieved through quality investment and increasing productivity.
As a government public university, we are committed to support Brunei Darussalam National Council on Climate Change. One of our initiatives is our eco-campus in Sinaut. It aims to create a sustainable environment and raise awareness on the importance of protecting the environment. It also aims to support Brunei Darussalam’s Green Protocol to combat climate change.

As part of its commitment to the Brunei’s Tobacco (Prohibition of Certain Places) (Amendment) Notification 2012, the University are smoke-free on all its premises, including open spaces. This will reduce potential harm such as second-hand tobacco smoke and fire hazards, provide an environment that encourages everyone to be smoke-free, and promotes a culture of wellness and a more sustainable environment.
As a government public university, we are committed to practicing and promoting sustainable health and well-being. Health, Safety, Security and Environment Unit and Counselling Unit regularly conduct various programs to raise awareness on the importance of sustaining a good state of mental health and well-being such as annual sports day, mental health talks, Workplace and Health Program, in line with Brunei Darussalam Mental Health Action Plan 2022-2025.