Mohammad Marzuqi bin Sabtu
Alumni Year 2017
Faculty of Shariah and Laws
Judicial Officer in the National Judiciary Department, Prime Minister’s Department

Mejar Nur Nadiah bte Nassaruddin
Alumni Year 2012
Faculty of Shariah and Laws
Military Legal Officer at the Military Legal Office, Ministry of Defence, Brunei Darussalam

Dayang Anisah Syakirah binti Haji Anwari
Alumni Year 2014
Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance
Economic Officer Department of Economic Planning and Statistics Ministry of Finance and Economy, Brunei Darussalam

Awang Mohammad Joehimie bin Anuar
Alumni Year 2012
Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Civilization
Diplomatic Officer at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Brunei Darussalam

Awang Ahmad Tarmimi bin Damit
Alumni Year 2013
Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Civilization
Third Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brunei Darussalam

Dayang Nurul Qurratu’aini binti Haji Pungut
Alumni Year 2012 & 2014
Faculty of Arabic Language and Islamic Civilization
Education Officer at the Department of Islamic Studies, Ministry of Religious Affairs, Brunei Darussalam

Dr Nazirul Mubin bin Ahad
Alumni Year 2013
Faculty of Usuluddin
Core Science Center Lecturer, KUPUSB

Dr Cecep Soleh Kurniawan
Alumni Year 2016
Faculty of Shariah and Laws
Lecturer at the Faculty of Syariah and Laws, UNISSA and Head of the Graduate Program at the Mazhab Syafi’i Research Center, UNISSA

Dr Hafini bin Mahmud
Alumni Year 2013 & 2020
Faculty of Shariah and Laws
Lecturer in Faculty of Shariah and Laws, UNISSA

Dr Sedat Islami
Alumni Year 2015
Faculty of Usuluddin
Lecturer of Dakwah at Faculty of Islamic Studies in Pristina

Dr Hajah Siti Jariah @ Hajah Aleya Fatehah binti Haji Japar
Alumni Year 2011 & 2020
Faculty of Shariah and Laws
Diploma Lecturer ‘Aliyah Qiraat ITQSHHB / Religious Officer for Studies and Dissemination of the Quran Centre, MABIMS

Fathima Sulaiha Mohamed Shafeek
Alumni Year 2011
Faculty of Business & Management Sciences
Lecturer in Islamic Banking & Finance at South Eastern University of Sri Lanka

Gita Afriani Putri
Alumni Year 2019
Faculty of Shariah and Laws
Teacher at Thursina International Islamic Boarding School Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Dewi Erika binte Samidi
Alumni Year 2019
Faculty of Usuluddin
Teacher at Darul Huffaz Learning Centre, Singapore