Ahad, 23 Mac 2025 – Unit Perkhidmatan Kaunseling, Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Rakan U.M.A.T
Ahad, 23 Mac 2025 – Unit Perkhidmatan Kaunseling, Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar dan Rakan U.M.A.T
Sabtu, 22 Mac 2025 – Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) melalui Pejabat Hal Ehwal Pelajar
UNISSA Press telah menyertai pameran dan jualan buku sempena Majlis Sambutan Nuzul al-Qur’an Peringkat Negara
Tuesday, 19 December 2023 – Consumption or consumerism is an economic activity after production. Production is meaningless if there is no consumption. Consumption involves a close relationship between consumers and producers, namely demand and utility (use). With the understanding that the main drive to use is human will (consumer demand).
Osaka University has collaborated with its strategic partner Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali and has held The Virtual International Symposium of Osaka University ASEAN Campus SDGs Co-creation Forum-Halal Innovation held through an online platform.
Linking the Sustainable Development Goals with the halal industry is designed to benefit many parties in the long term. Concerning that, this symposium would like to focus the discussion of halal consumption through SDG 3: Good Health and Well Being and SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.
Among the objectives of this symposium is as a forum for discussion of issues, and the synergy of halal consumption challenges among academics and industry practitioners. It can also gather a panel of experts in the field of halal consumption in Brunei Darussalam and regionally. In addition to that, it can identify the direction of ‘halal innovation’ and directly increase the early community awareness of halal elements and thayyiban in consumerism.
The program started with a keynote presentation session delivered by Professor Yoshinori Sumimura from Osaka University, Associate Professor Dr Nazlida Muhamad from Brunei Darussalam University, Datin Hajah Norliza Dato Seri Setia Haji Mahalle from Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University and Dr. Nur Rahman from Pristine Pacific Australia.
During the discussion session, a total of three-panel members were invited namely Associate Professor Dr. Shaizatulaqma Kamalul Ariffin from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Associate Professor Dr. Yuliana Dwi Lestari from the Institute of Technology Bandung Indonesia and Associate Professor Dr. Zalina Zakaria from the University of Malaya.
The program which lasted approximately 3 hours allowed the participants to gain knowledge and benefit from the presenters and invited panel members regarding the challenges in terms of the implementation and legislation of halal consumption as well as halal towards the halal industry comprehensively.
Overall, this program succeeded in opening the eyes of each participant to be able to emphasize the halal aspect and also thayyiban in everyday life which is very significant to provide awareness about the right to obtain halal products and the responsibility of choosing halal products among Muslim consumers.