Participation in the Roadshow at Jerudong International School

On this day, 27th January 2021. The Faculty of Islamic Technology has participated in the roadshow organised by Jerudong International School. This participation is our significant move to promote UNISSA’s new programme in line with the needs of Industrial Revolution 4.0.
Participation in the Open Day session Organized by UNISSA
The Faculty of Islamic Technology also participated in the Open Day organized by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University which was held on 24th – 25th February 2021 at the UNISSA Auditorium building. This participation is specifically open to students who have graduated from the Sixth Form Center, Hassanal Bolkiah Arab Boys’ Middle School and also postgraduate students who wish to continue their studies to a higher level

The Faculty of Islamic Technology has received encouraging visits from students.
At the same time, the Faculty of Technology also showed an example of a product developed by the Research Assistant students, namely the 360° Panoramic View of UNISSA, to the visiting students in addition to providing information on the programs and courses offered at the Faculty of Islamic Technology.
Coordination of UNISSA Weekly Study and Reading of Surah Yaasin
Tahlil and Recitation of Surah Yaasin organized by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University is a weekly activity coordinated by each Division, Unit, Faculty and Center at UNISSA in turn according to their respective turns.
The Faculty of Islamic Technology has already coordinated the tahlil ceremony and recitation of surah Yaasin on 25th February 2021 and 22th July 2021 which was held at the Shafi’i surau, UNISSA.

Weekly Tazkirah Session Delivered by the Principal of the Faculty of Islamic Technology

In addition, Tazkirah sessions are also held weekly immediately after the tahlil ceremony and recitation of Surah Yaasin are delivered by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University lecturers. Among the speakers appointed is the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Technology, Dr Dayang Hajah Tiawa binti Awang Haji Hamid who delivered a tazkirah entitled “Habit” on January 14th, 2021, at the Shafi’i surau, UNISSA.
Participation of the Faculty of Islamic Technology in the Charity Run Activities Organized by the Student Representative Council (MPP) of UNISSA
The Faculty of Islamic Technology participated in an interactive activity with students and members of the public who visited Bandarku Ceria in conjunction with the Charity Run organized by the UNISSA Student Representative Council (MPP) on Sunday, March 14th, 2021, located at Taman Sir Muda Omar Ali Saifuddin, Bandar Seri Begawan.

The activity organized by the Faculty of Islamic Technology is “Story Time: Reviving the Golden Age of Islam” which involves interactive activities with students and the public. The Faculty of Islamic Technology also provides souvenirs for those who successfully answer the given questions.
UNISSA Hari Raya Celebration
The Hari Raya celebration is one of the annual events organized by the Student Affairs Division, UNISSA. The event was attended by all UNISSA citizens consisting of executive officers, principal officers, officers, support staff, academic staff and UNISSA students. It is used as a platform to build close friendship and being friendly between fellow citizens. The event was held on 29th May 2021, located at the UNISSA Auditorium.

For this year 2021, the Faculty of Islamic Technology together with the Faculty of Management and Islamic Development, the Center for Public and International Relations and the Center for Technology and Multimedia will serve a variety of dishes consisting of desserts, traditional Japanese food such as sushi and also traditional Bruneian food and cakes as the main course in addition to various types of drinks for the meals of the guests.
The Crown Prince Creative, Innovative Product and Technological Advancement (CIPTA) Award 2021
Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University through the Faculty of Islamic Technology has participated in the CIPTA competition in category 2 (Local Category 2): Modifying Existing Product, Process or Technology.
The project highlighted in the competition is The Effectiveness of Tawaf 3D Virtual Reality Training on Pilgrims’ Physiological Performance. The competition was held at Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB) on Tuesday, 15th June 2021 and consolation prizes and participation certificates were awarded.

Islamic Media and Communication Technology Master’s Program Briefing Session

The Faculty of Islamic Technology held a briefing session for prospective students of the Master of Media and Islamic Communication Technology program on Saturday, June 19th, 2021 in meeting room L1.2. The briefing was held specifically to explain more clearly the content, direction and findings that will be obtained from the program. A total of 31 participants attended the briefing session and took the opportunity to raise questions and concerns in the question and answer session at the end of the briefing session.
Admission Briefing Session and Welcoming New Students Academic Session 2021/2022

The admission briefing session is usually held every year before the start of the new student admission session. However, it is the first time for the Faculty of Islamic Technology since FIT is offering a Bachelor’s program starting in August 2021. The Faculty of Islamic Technology held a briefing session for prospective students of the Bachelor of Media and Islamic Communication Technology program on Tuesday, July 27th, 2021 in lecture room M1.8. The briefing was attended by all undergraduate students and also some graduate students.

Proposal Presentation Session for Research Graduate Program Students

3D Virtual Reality Haj Fitness Simulation For Monitoring Haj Pilgrims
The establishment of a 3D Lab or laboratory has been created to undergo 3D Virtual Reality Haj Fitness Simulation For Monitoring Haj Pilgrims research which was approved under a university research grant (Research University Grant) (RUG). So far, there are several graduate students who also undergo research using the laboratory. Among them are as follows:
- Title: Machine Learning Framework To Predict Fatigue Of Participants During 3d Virtual Reality Session.
- Title: Prediction On Cardiovascular Threshold Using 3d Virtual Reality.
- Design and development of a 3D female virtual character ‘virtual youtuber’ character with an Islamic appearance.
- The Development of 3D in an Interactive System to Aid Tajweed Learning.

An example of a 3D FIT laboratory view and the study conducted

Students Participating in the Minor in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Program

Ministry of Religious Affairs Strengthening Da’wah workshop conducted by the Faculty of Islamic Technology

Proposal Presentation Session
The proposal presentation session was held specifically for Master’s and Doctor of Philosophy students (PhD) as many as 22 students. Presentation session are held on a schedule and rotate during those 3 days which is on 3rd – 5th January 2022 located in the room Training L1.3 and also lecture room M1.4.
Establishment of FIT Student Body: “Technology Students Society” (TSS) / Technology Students
Participation in the Open Day session Organized by UNISSA
The Open Day Session is an annual event that is usually held by UNISSA to provide space for graduates of the Sixth Form Center, Hassanal Bolkiah Boys Arab High School, Higher National Diploma (HND) and also postgraduate students who wish to continue their studies to a higher level to find out more about the programs available at UNISSA. It is also used as a platform for UNISSA to promote the programs offered. In this regard, the Faculty of Islamic Technology did not miss out on participating in the Open Day organized by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University which was held on 14th – 15th February 2022 at the UNISSA Auditorium building.
The Faculty of Islamic Technology has received encouraging visits from students. At the same time, the Faculty of Technology also showed examples of products that had been presented by graduates of the Master’s program to the visiting students in addition to providing information about the programs and courses offered at the Faculty of Islamic Technology.
Coordination of UNISSA Weekly Study and Reading of Surah Yaasin

Tahlil and Recitation of Surah Yaasin organized by Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University is a weekly activity coordinated by each Division, Unit, Faculty and Center at UNISSA in turn according to their respective turns.
The Faculty of Islamic Technology has already coordinated tahlil and recitation of surah Yaasin on February 24th, 2022, June 30th, 2022 and September 29th, 2022 at the Shafi’i surau, UNISSA.
The involvement of FIT students in the Special Forum session in conjunction with the 2022 Isra’ Mi’raj Celebration at the UNISSA level held on March 3rd, 2022, held at the Auditorium, UNISSA.

Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Islamic Technology
Along with the development of today’s technology, the Faculty of Islamic Technology places great emphasis on progress and skills, especially in related fields.
Therefore, in FIT’s efforts to provide students with comprehensive knowledge in the field of technology, FIT has organized a live lecture from a senior lecturer from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), namely Dr Nurul Aqillah binti Khamis to give a lecture virtual (online) about Artificial Intelligence (AI) to FIT students. The lecture was held on March 16th, 2022 virtually through the Zoom application.
Participation of FIT Students Who Won the National Level Video in conjunction with Green Environment Day Higher Education Category Organized by Mitsubishi Corporation
Green Environment is an event organized by Mitsubishi Corporation in their efforts to generate community and environmental value by addressing key sustainability issues through activities and competitions such as making videos that support the highlighted theme of Green Environment.
In this effort, a total of three students from the Faculty of Islamic Technology have participated in a competition to produce a video with a green environment theme. The participation of the respective students yielded results and all three students got the top five places. Congratulations to the students for their efforts and creativity in trying to develop their talents and skills. The presentation of prizes, trophies and certificates was presented by Mitsubishi Corporation on 21th March 2022 at the UNISSA administration lobby.

The first place winner was won by Ma’sum bin Haji Isa who is a year 1 graduate student Semester 3 for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students won a cash prize of $500.00 as well as a trophy and certificate.
Meanwhile, the third place winner was won by Nur Almira Ufairah binti Salim. The student is also a graduate student in year 1 Semester 3 for the 2022/2023 academic session. Students won a cash prize of $300.00 as well as a trophy and certificate.

While the fifth place winner was won by year 2 undergraduate student Aunizafirah Batrisyia binti Agus Zamri. Students won a cash prize of $200.00 as well as a trophy and certificate.
Ice Breaking Session Technology Student Society (TSS)
Technology Student Society (TSS) Election and Ice Breaking on March 27th, 2022, located on Muara Beach.
Development of Mobile Apps Using Flutter workshop
Mobile apps are one of the latest trends that are very efficient and important in the technology era.
Therefore, FIT organized a virtual workshop by inviting a senior lecturer from Universiti Malaysia Kelantan (UMK), namely Dr Nurul Izrin binti Md Saleh on Development of Mobile Apps Using Flutter for FIT students. The workshop was held on April 28th, 2022 virtually through the Zoom application.

Exhibition in conjunction with the Hari Raya Aidilfitri Celebration Ceremony Organized by Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah
Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University through the Faculty of Islamic Technology has participated in an exhibition in conjunction with the 18th Aidilfitri Celebration Ceremony organized by Yayasan Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah (Yayasan) which was held on 19th May 2022 at the International Conference Center, Berakas.
His Majesty Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin Waddaulah, Sultan dan Yang Di-Pertuan Negara Brunei Darussalam dan Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Paduka Seri Baginda Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha, agreed to go to the event.
The project displayed is Machine Learning Framework to Predict Muscle Fatigue of Participants During 3D Hajj Virtual Reality Session.

Several FIT graduate students were selected to attend the Osaka Universiy International Certificate Program (OUICP) for a few days in Osaka, Japan.
Hybrid International Conference and Technological EXPO on “Current Trends in Islamic Technology Through Research and Innovation”

UNISSA through the Faculty of Islamic Technology organizes an international conference that is held in a hybrid form that is in physical form and also in virtual form. This conference is also organized together with eleven overseas institutes of higher education namely Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM); National University of Malaysia (UKM); University of Malaysia Kelantan (UMK); University of Malaysia Pahang (UMP); MARA University of Technology (UiTM); Sultan Idris Teaching University (UPSI); Taif University (Saudi Arabia); Quaid-E-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology Nawabshah, Sindh, Pakistan; University of Samarinda (Indonesia); University of Walisongo State Islamic University (Indonesia) and also Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
This conference was held on Thursday, 9 Zulkaedah 1443H corresponding to 9th June 2022M at the Conference Hall, International Conference Center, ICC Berakas. The guest of honor of the conference is Tuan Yang Terutama Professor Dr. Hamit Ersoy, Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye in Brunei Darussalam.

This conference is an initiative run by FIT UNISSA to reveal new trends in Islamic technology by utilizing Islamic principles and the content of Islamic knowledge.

Among the aims and objectives of organizing this conference is to bring together researchers, academics, scientists, engineers, government representatives, industry partners and graduate students to exchange views and opinions and share their experiences, new ideas, innovations and related research results. with all aspects of education, research and innovation, as well as discussing the practical challenges faced. In addition, it was created to foster thinking skills, such as designing and developing research-based technology and innovative products.
There are 2 projects exhibited in the expo organized by MYCE, namely ROV and Brain Activity.

Forum: The Dynamics of Islamic Higher Institution From The Perspective of An Engineer presented by Dato’ Professor Ir. Dr. Mohammed Rafiq bin Dato’ Abdul Kadir from UTM, Malaysia which was held on 11th June 2022 at Training Room L1.3.

FIT undergraduate student, Aunizafirah binti Agus was awarded as the Best Student in conjunction with the Closing Ceremony of the Course and Extension of Counseling Skills and the Launch of U.M.A.T UNISSA organized by the Counseling Services Unit, HEP on 13th June 2022, held at the UNISSA Auditorium.

Silver winner of the International Poster Competition organized by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia on 6th July 2022.
Innovation Title:
Misuse of Social Media Appertaining to Maqasid Al-Shari’ah Higher Purposes.

Video Development Skills Workshop delivered by Professor Dr Hj Abd Hafidz bin Hj Omar, Professor at the Faculty of Islamic Technology, on 12th July 2022 located in Training Room L1.3.

Workshop on Effective Communication and Presentation (Radio and TV) Organized by the Students of the Faculty of Islamic Technology (FIT) delivered by Haji Abd Rahman bin Haji Ahim (21MR1001) a graduate of FIT who is a presenter on National FM radio, on 22th July 2022 located in Training Room L1.3.
Admission Briefing and Welcoming New Students Academic Session 2022/2023 on 26th July 2022, held at PKBN, Temburong which was delivered by the Dean, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Technology and also the FIT student association, the Technology Student Society (TSS).

“Hijrahkan Minda” as a motivational program organized by FIT UNISSA which is presented by FIT graduates will be held on 30th July 2022 virtually through YouTube, Facebook and Instagram applications.

“Fikrah Siswa” Program with FIT students in Osaka Japan. It is a communication skills training program run by FIT UNISSA to introduce the development of UNISSA campus radio as part of a learning module in Islamic communication media technology. This program is held on August 5th, 2022 online.

FIT’s participation in the National Youth Day Celebration Exhibition – Brain Activity For Tafiz Student held on 9th August 2022 at the Plenary Hall, International Conference Center, Berakas.

The Faculty of Islamic Technology is involved in an exhibition in conjunction with the 12th UNISSA Hafl al-Takharruj Festival held on 16th August 2022, located in the foyer of the Berakas International Conference Center.

A total of 7 videos related to the Golden Age of Islam are displayed; 8 products on display, 8 digital projects, Hajj Simulation and also Maqarrah Al Quran (Joint Supervision with Usuluddin Faculty).

Workshop On Manufacturing: The Design of The Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) delivered by Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Farid bin Muhamad Said, Director of the Institute for Vehicle Systems and Engineering, Department of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Automotive Development Center (Adc), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) specifically to provide exposure and understanding of ROV to students and also industry collaborator UNISSA on 17th August 2022, located at the lobby of the International Conference Center, ICC Berakas.
FIT graduate students won a place as National Digital Khat Runner-Up organized by the Islamic Dakwah Center, Ministry of Religious Affairs (KHEU). The presentation of gifts to students will be held on 25th August 2022 at PDI.
Winner of Huawei Asia Pacific Seeds for the Future Tech4Good Competition 28th August – 4th September 2022 located in Singapore.

The awarding of the University Book Prize for two FIT students in conjunction with UNISSA’s 12th Hafl al-Takharruj was held on 30th August 2022 at Dewan Serambi Suluh, Tarindak D’Seni.
Student Participation From the Faculty of Islamic Technology To One Young World Summit 2022 Manchester 5th – 8th September 2022, located in Manchester.

FIT Muzakarah session with YM Assistant Academic Rector, Associate Professor Dr Siti Sara binti Hj Ahmad on 14th September 2022 at the Banquet Room, UNISSA Administration Building.
Received a visit from Dr Dominik M. Muller, Professor of Cultural and Social Anthropology at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen Nuremberg (FAU) on 15th September 2022 at the UNISSA Administrative Meeting Room.

Speech Deliver from Aunizafirah Batrisyia binti Agus Zamri as one of the members of the Seeds for the Future 2022 winning group. In addition, a total of 5 students for the new nomination for Seeds For the Future on 17th October 2022 are located at Universiti Brunei Darussalam.
FIT meeting with Huawei Technologies (B) Sdn. Bhd. on 31st October 2022 at the UNISSA Administrative Meeting Room.

Official meeting of UNISSA with the Chief Executive Officer of Huawei Technologies (B) Sdn. Bhd., Mr Kevin Zhang which was attended by YM Rector, YM Assistant Academic Rector, Faculty of Islamic Technology (FIT) and Center for Public and International Relations (PusPAA) on 17th November 2022 at the Rector’s Office, UNISSA.
Quantitative Data Analysis with SPSS presented by Dr Dayang Hajah Tiawa bin Awg Hj Hamid and Professor Dr Hj Abd Hafidz bin Haji Omar on November 23rd , 2022 located in Training Room L1.3, UNISSA.

The proposal presentation session was held specifically for Master’s program students (by Research) with a total of 3 students. The presentation session was held on 24th November 2022 at the FPPI Meeting room and was attended by all FIT academic staff as well as invited assessors from the Faculty of Islamic Development Management (FPPI) and the Usuluddin Faculty (FU).
Quantitative Data Analysis with NVIVO 12 presented by Dr Dayang Hajah Tiawa bin Awg Hj Hamid and Professor Dr Hj Abd Hafidz bin Haji Omar on November 28th, 2022 at Meeting Room L1.2, UNISSA.