Associate Professor
Contact Info:
Associate Professor Dr Hakimah Binti Yaacob
Profile Summary
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- CV
- Research Gate
- Senior Assistant Professor, Faculty of Islamic Economics & Finance, University of Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA), Gadong, Negara Brunei.
- An Associate Professor at the Faculty of Laws National University of Malaysia and International Shariah Research Academy under the patronage of Central Bank Malaysia.
- Author of ‘The World Banking System’, ‘Writing Shariah Contract, ‘100 characteristics of Shariah Contracts’ and ‘The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Cross Border Disputes of Islamic Finance’. She has written more than 300 Articles including research Papers, books, journals, Public lectures, Mock Learning, Social Media, etc.
- Awarded as the author of the Best Paper Award during AICIF 2018 in Manila, AICIF 2019 in Brunei, IBC 2014 in Malacca, Malaysia and CSH2016 in Kuala Lumpur. Appointed as a consultant to develop Maldives Regulatory Framework.
- Involved in drafting banking policies in Maldives, Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore. Currently serves as Shariah Advisor at Citibank Malaysia and Citibank Labuan. Being an expert in dual regulatory framework, Shariah and Civil, she has been appointed as an Expert witness in Islamic finance cases in various countries.
- Involved in drafting policies and advising governments in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) involving 12 countries. Her consultation work includes advisory role in banking compliance involving IMF and World Bank’s Standards, OECD Guidelines such as Common Reporting Standards (CRS) and GATCA, US Laws on Islamic finance such as the TWEA, Money Laundering, Dodd Frank Act, Volker Rule, Regulation K, EMIR, etc.
- Field of expertise are the international legal and regulatory, compliance, policy study, trade negotiation and finance. She is one of the lead inventor for NFR100 smart solat Device and Humane Trekker (Hajj and Umrah Management) Apps.
Academic Qualifications
- Phd in Law IIUM, Malaysia Master in Comparative Law IIUM, Malaysia LLB (SHA) Hons IIUM, Malaysia LLB Hons IIUM, Malaysia Diploma in Victimology, Tokiwa International Institute of Victimology (RIVI), Tokiwa University Japan.
Area of Expertise
- Blockchain smart contract fintech Islamic Finance legal & regulatory framework compliance legal documentation halal
- Yaacob.H, The World Banking System, KPIJ Publication, 2018. ISBN 97896712454-7-7
- Yaacob.H, Nurulaini, Muhammad.N, (Editors) Halal Governance & Management: Malaysia and ASEAN Countries, Internediate to Advance, USIM University Press, Nilai, 2020.
- Yaacob.H, The World Banking System, KPIJ Publication, 2018. ISBN 97896712454-7-7.
- Yaacob,H. Commentaries on Selected Provisions in Islamic Financial Services Act (IFSA) 2013, IBFIM Publication 2015.
- Yaacob,H. International Regulatory Framework in Islamic Finance , ISBN 978-967-12454-2-2, KPIJ Publication, 2015.
- Yaacob, H. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Expanding Options in Local and Cross Border Islamic Finance Cases, KL: ISBN 978-967-10318-6-5,ISRA Publication, 2012.
- Yaacob H. International Legal framework of Islamic finance: CAGAMAS-ISRA edited Chapter: ISRA publication, Pearson Education Malaysia, KL: 2011.
- Yaacob H. “Islamic Banking & Finance: Principles, Instruments & Operations” KL: Malayan Current Law Journal Publication, ISBN978-967-0379-01-2,Nov 2011.
- Yaacob, H. Report on International Legal Framework for Islamic Finance, 2011.
- Yaacob, H. Malaysian Legal History, Ilmiah Publisher, KL: 2004.
- Towards Greater Global Connectivity in Islamic Finance: An Empirical Analysis on Shariah Rules and Interpretations Across Jurisdictions 2017.
- Yaacob, H Analysis on the Trend of Legal Suits in Malaysia: Evidence from Malaysia, ISRA Research Paper 48/2012.
- Yaacob, H The Legal Implications of Rules of Court 2012 on the Islamic Finance Industry: An Analysis: ISRA Research Paper 39/2012.
- Yaacob, H International Convention for Islamic Finance: Towards Standardisation, ISRA Research Paper: Vol 29:2012.
- Yaacob, H The implementation of Wa’ad from Shariah & Legal Perspectives:ISRA Research Paper Vol 30:2012.
- Yaacob, H Empirical Study on Islamic finance cases decided in Malaysia: With Special Reference to the Cases decided in Muamalat Court, Jalan Duta Malaysia 1980 – 2010. ISRA research paper: Vol 25:2011
- Yaacob, H Critical Analysis on International Islamic Finance Cases in English Court ISRA research Paper:Vol 17:2011.
- Yaacob, H, The Central Banking Act 2009: uplifting the integrity and the Role of the Shariah Advisory Council ,ISRA research paper, Vol 6:2010.
- Yaacob.H & Mahalle (2018) An overview of Halal Framework in Negara Brunei, Halal Management: Malaysia and Beyond, USIM University Press, Nilai, 2018 (ISBN No :TBO)
- Yaacob.H, The Growth of Halal Market in Singapore. Halal Management: Malaysia and Beyond, USIM University Press, Nilai, 2018 (ISBN No :TBO)
- Yaacob.H, Origin and History of Foods Regulation, Standardisation Codification Halal Management: Malaysia and Beyond, USIM University Press, Nilai, 2018 (ISBN No :TBO)
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob, Qaisar and Khairul Hidayah Title:The Zakat Bank: Do We Need One? Scopus Edited Chapter in IGI, Global adoption in Zakat. Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob, Qaisar and Khairul Hidayah Title: The Enabling Legal Environment: A Demand for Legal Reform in Brunei. Scopus Edited Chapter in IGI, Global adoption in Zakat. Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob, Qaisar Ali Title:Financial Cost and Social Influence Factors Affecting the Adoption of Halal Cosmetics Scopus Journal: Malaysia,Academy of Interpreneurship Journal DOI:ISSN:1087-9585 2019. Link:
- Authors: Hakimah Yaacob, Maamor.S, Sunadi,D.’ Title: Shariah is Immaterial in the Eyes of Civil Courts: Critical Analysis on the Cases Decided in Malaysia, Brunei and England’. Scopus journal:International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Volume 5, Issuie DSpecial Edition, 2019.Volume 5, Issue 2, August, 2019 Special Edition: Emerging Issues, Challenges, and Solutions in Business Management and Social Sciences: A Way Forward Link:
- Authors: Yaacob,H. Maamor,S. ‘ Title:The Restricted Autonomy of Will: The Disregarded Values in Shariah Based Contract Scopus journal: Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development (IJPHRD) volume: Volume 9 Number 10 October 2018. Link: Email: Website:
- Authors: Yaacob H, Ali, Q, ‘ Title:An Empirical Investigation of Islamic Banking Adoption in Brunei’ Scopus journal:COMSAT Journal of Islamic Finance. DOI:10.26652/cjif.4201913. Link:
- Authors:Yaacob.H, Ali.Q, Title: The Acceptance of Islamic Credit Card in Brunei’ Scopus:Journal of Islamic Banking and Finance (JIBF), International Association of Islamic Banks, 1814-8042, Vol JIBF 35/2 – 3, 2018. Scopus. EBSCOhost Research Databases, Islamic Indexing,Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, Joint Library and LAW-WB – World Bank Law Resource Center (USA), Journalseek. Link:
- Author:Yaacob.H, Title:Construction Adjudication in Malaysia: A Need for Shariah Mechanisme, Journal:Astra Salvensis Journal, Vol 1, July 2018. IndexCopernicus, Thomson Reuters,ISI Webscopus. Link: search.php?q=21100787020&tip=sid&clean=0
- Authors: Yaacob.H, Ali.Q, Maamor, S, Uthman.T, Title:‘Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Islamic Banks Profitability’ Scopus: Journal of Accounting and Applied Business Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2018 1 Copyright © 2018 Al-Sham Post Publishing (APP). Q2, RG Journal Impact: 0.48 Link: 10.Authors:Yaacob.H & Rani.N,(2018) Title: Regulated & Regimented Interest in the Financial and Economy System: Issues and Challenges. Scopus proceeding: SCITEPRESS Scopus Proceedings 15 November 2017, Portugal, ISSN:2184-2736. ISBN: 978-989-758-3155. Link:
- Author: Yaacob.H, (2018) Title: The Evolution of Regulatory Landscape of Islamic Finance in Brunei: Issues and Challenges. Scopus proceeding: SCITEPRESS Scopus Proceedings 15 November 2017, Portugal, ISSN:2184-2736. ISBN: 978-989-758-3155. Link:
- Authors: hakimah yaacob, Qaisar Ali Title: Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Islamic Banks Profitability, Scopus Journal: Journal of Accounting and Applied Business Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2018 1 Copyright © 2018 Al-Sham Post Publishing (APP). Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: The Evolution of Regulatory Landscape of Islamic Finance in Brunei. Scopus Journal: Scitepress Scopus, International Conference on Islamic banking , 11-12 Nov 2017.
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title:Coping with the International Standards of Basel Committee on Core Principles on Effective Banking Supervision (BCBS): Issues and Challenges for Islamic banking. Refereed Journal: International Journal of Business and Law, Vol 2, June 2018. Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Regulated and regimented interest in the financial system, Journal: Scitepress Scopus, International Conference on Islamic banking, 11-12 Nov 2017. Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title:Commercialising Muzara’a Model Contract through Islamic Finance To Help Malaysian Aborigines, Scopus JOURNAL: Journal of Business, Economics and Law (E-ISSN 2289-1552) Volume 2 Impact Factor: 4.708 (SJIF Impact Factor Evaluation) Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Towards our own Lex Mercatoria: A Need for Legal Consensus In Islamic Finance Scopus journal: PERTANIKA Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 22 (S): 205 – 222 (2014) Link: Journal homepage:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Shariah Arbitration in Islamic Finance Transaction: an urgent need for a Muslim Arbitrator, Scopus journal: Pertanika J. Soc. Sci. & Hum. 22 (S): 205 – 222 (2014) Link: Journal homepage:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob 20.Title: Standards Issuance For Islamic Finance in International Trade: Current Issues and Challenges Ahead, Scopus journal: Journal of Procedia – Social and BehavioralSciences (Elsevier) index in SCOPUS and ScienceDirect by Elsevier. Link:
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: The Role of Shariah Advisory Council in Governing Islamic Financial Matters: An Evaluation of Central Bank of Malaysian Act 2009 Journal: [2012]Issue No 5,Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation (JIBLR).
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title:International Standards Setting Bodies in Islamic Finance Journal: Current Law Journal, 2014, Vol 1
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Al-Hajr (Interdiction) Bankruptcy and Tadlis from Shariah perspectives Journal: Current Law Journal, 2014, Vol 2
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title:Contract of Fudhuli in English law: How is it similar to Agency by Ratification? Journal:Current Law Journal, 2014
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title:Legal Issues in Musharakah Mutanaqisah Journal: Malayan Law Journal. Lexis Nexis, 2012.
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob 27.Title:Islamic Finance: Standardisation does matter Journal:Malayan Law Journal, Lexis Nexis, 2012
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Cross Border Transaction in Islamic Finance Journal: Current Law Journal, Vol2, Jan 2012.
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: The validity of Wa’ad in the eyes of Contrcat Act 1950, Journal: CLJ [2011]1CLJ(Sya)517-688 ISSN1823-3678]
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Tax Incentive for Islamic Finance in Malaysia: Journal: Current Law Journal, (Legal Network Series) Vol 1, 2010.
- Author: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Party Autonomy over Jurisdiction Clause in Islamic Finance in the light of Rome Convention and Shamil Bank of Bahrain v. Beximco Pharmaceuticals Journal:[2012], Vol 4, (International Journal of Accounting, Governance & Societies (IJAGS), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).
- Authors: Hakimah Yaacob, John Dussich, Gerd Kirchoff Title: “Safety on public transportation in South East Asia”, Journal: victimology and human security, The 13th International Symposium Journal on Victimology, August 23-28, 2009, Tokiwa University, Mito Japan
- Authors: Hakimah Yaacob, Gerd Kirchoff, John Dussich Title: “Victim Assistance Programme For Rape Victims in Malaysia”, Tokiwa University, Journal for Tokiwa International Victimology Institute (TIVI), 2007, Mito, Japan.(International Refereed) Articles in Magazines
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob, Ahmad Zainal Abidin Title: UK an eye-opener for new Takaful market Magazine: Islamic Finance News, Volume 15 Issue 33, 15 August 2018, page 29 Year: 2018 Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob, Ahmad Zainal Abidin Title: Reckless interpretation of the Shariah governance framework Magazine: Islamic Finance News, Volume 15 Issue 42, 17 October 2018, page 25-26 Year: 2018 Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “Fudhuli valid under Common Law?” Magazine: CIBAFI, Global Islamic Economic Magazine Vol 2, 2014. Link:
- Writer : Hakimah Yaacob Title: Constitutionality issues in Islamic Finance: Prevailing Countries, Vol 1, 2014 Magazine: ISRA SPACE Year:2014 Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title :Dispute Resolution in Islamic Contract: What are the Options?, Vol 42, 2014. Magazine: ISRA SPACE Year: 2014 Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Islamic Banking Cases in Malaysia: A Proof of Regulatory Efficiency or Market Maturity?, Magazine: ISRA Buletin, August, 2012. Name: Hakimah Yaacob
- إطار عمل شامل للحوكمة الشرعية في المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية بماليز , CIBAFI Title:“Constitutional Issues Raised in two Countries”, Magazine:ISRA Bulletin, August, 2011.
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title:“When Crime Hurts:Protection seeks under Takaful” Magazine:ISRA Bulletin, August, 2011 Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “India Invites Constitutional Issue in Islamic Finance”, Magazine: Opalesque, Lex Islamicus, June 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “Malaysian Shariah Advisory Council Ruled!”, Magazine:Opalesque, Lex Islamicus, Issue May, 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “Takaful:What Next?” Magazine:Editorial Board, ISRA Buletin, Issue No 9, April 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title:“Takaful for crime Victim: wisdom behind diyyat” Magazine: Opalesque, Lex Islamicus, Issue April, 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title:“Re Tousa’s Effect and Maslahah Istiqrar wa ta’ammul” Magazine: Islamic Finance News Vol 7, Issue 22, 2 Jun 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title:“Sale Contract in Bai’ Bithamin Ajil: Court of Appeal held No Ibra’(rebate), Magazine:New Horizon, 1st April 2011 Issue. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: ISRA: Recap After 3 Years”, Magazine: ISRA SPACE, Issue No 8, Dec/Jan 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob 17.Title:“Financial Criminology v Financial Victimology in Islamic Practice” Magazine:Opalesque, Lex Islamicus: issue 21 Jan 2011. Link: 18.Name: Hakimah Yaacob Title:“Financial Crime from Islamic Criminology & Victimology ) (علم الضحايا criminology علم الإجرام))and Victimology Perspectives”. Magazine: ISRA Buletin, Issue 8. Dec/Jan 2011. Link:
- 19.Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Sale Contract in Bai’ Bithamin Ajil: Pay the Full Purchase Price and No Ibra’(rebate)” Magazine: ISRA Buletin, 2011. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Ibra’:should it be discreationary?”. Magazine: Opalesque, Lex Islamicus: Islamic Finance Intelligence, Issue 11,” 2010 Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “It is just a contract not murabahah” Magazine:Opalesque, Lex Islamicus: Islamic Finance Intelligence, 31 May 2010, issue 9. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “Med-Ex as an alternative mechanisme in settling dispute in Islamic Finance” magazine: ISRA buletin, issue 2, April 2009. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: “The rights of victims of crime from Islamic perspectives and United Nation Declaration on justice for victims” Magazine: SUHAKAM Bulletin, December 2007. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title:“Global Islamic Finance Forum GIFF 2010: Islamic Finance: Opportunities for Tomorrow”, Magazine: Special Issue ISRA Buletin Vol 6. Link:
- Writer: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Odious Debt: Bleeding Recovery in Financial System Magazine: IAIS magazine, January 2016. Link:
- Name: Hakimah Yaacob Title:The effects of TPPA on Islamic Finance Magazine:Islam &Civilizational Renewal (ICR): Vol 2, 2016. Link:
- Name: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Halal foods and usage of Alcohol Magazin: IAIS Bulletin, October Issue, 2015. Link:
- Name: Hakimah Yaacob Title: Latchkey Children and Guardian Negligence, Magazine: October, IAIS Buletin, 2015. Link:
- 29.Name: Hakimah Yaacob Title:ICR View Point: The Islamic Financial Services Act 2013: An Overview and Appraisal, Magazine: IAIS Journal, April 2015. Link:
- Name: Hakimah Yaacob Title: The Legal Challenges in Establishment of Bait al-Sadaqah in Malaysia. Magazine: IAIS Magazine, April 2015 Link: Articles in Newspapers
- IMF Kena Peduli Isu Hutang Tak Sah, Newspaper: Berita Harian, Date: 10th of July 2018. Link:
- Manfaat takaful dihibahkan berbanding faraid, Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: May 15, 2015 Link:
- Indeks Syariah Malaysia demi kelestarian sejagat Berita Harian Mar 29, 2016 Link:
- Mata wang bitcoin: Halal atau haram? Newspaper: Berita Harian Date:Jan 16, 2018 Link:
- Syariah perbesar kuasa, perundangan Islam Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: Jul 27, 2017 Link:
- Menanti harmonisasi perundangan Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: Aug 19, 2017 Link:
- Ekonomi halal seluas lautan biru Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: Jun 8, 2016 Link:
- Sukuk perkukuh penyebaran hukum Islam di Barat Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: Feb 16, 2016 Link:
- Benteras ‘ulat’ campur tangan jual rumah lelong Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: Jul 24, 2016 Link:
- Pinjaman tanpa faedah untuk rakyat miskin Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: May 9, 2016 Link:
- Teknologi IT cabar peranan bank jana modal Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: Aug 22, 2016 Link:
- Konsep Patuh Shariah Semakin Jitu Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: 28th July 2017 Link:
- Kesan Brexit terhadap Kewangan Islam Newspaper: Berita Harian Date:10th February 2017 Link:
- Ekonomi Halal Seluas Lautan Biru, “8th of June 2016, Berita Harian.
- Indeks Shariah Malaysia demi kelestarian sejagat Newspaper: Berita Harian Date:29th of March 2016 Link:
- Memperkasa PKS memalui Perkongsian Kepakaran Bank Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: 14 Mac 2016 Link:
- Waqf Bank untuk Agrotani Newspaper: Berita Harian Date: 3rd of September 2015 Link:
- “Keperluan Penyelesaian Alternatif di dalam pertelingkahan tanah Waqf” Date: 2 April 2015 Newspaper: Berita Harian. Link:
- “Penetapan Patuh Shariah bagi Produk perbankan elak kekeliruan” Newspaper: Ruangan Agama, Berita Harian, Date: 31 March 2015 Link:
- “Undang-Undang Malaysia bela Hak Mangsa Jenayah”, Newspaper: Ruangan Rencana, Berita Harian Date: 4 April 2015 Link: MOOC Teaching/ intercative learning via Youtube
- Title: Shariah Contract and Muqtadha al-aqd link:
- Title:Islamic jurisprudence Link:
- Title: Hadith methodology Link:
- Title: Case study Satyam Scxandal. Link:
- Title: banking operations Link:
- Title: compliance in 3 countries
- Link:
- Title: Bernie Madoff Scandals Link:
- Title:Brettonwood /Nixon Shock Link:
- Title:Jamaican accord Link:
- Title: Brettonwood Agreement Link:
- Title: Executive Order 6102 Link:
- List of Islamic Finance Cases 1983-2010, Link: ISRA Website via
- Title: cash waqf n crowdfunding a way out from interest Link:
- Title: Analysis of Cases in Islamic Finance in Malaysian Court 1983-2010
- Legal and Regulatory Framework in Islamic Finance Link:
- List of International Islamic Finance Cases at English Court, ISRA Website via
- Title: Restorative justice and Prison Industry: Proposed Waqf-Based Model for creation of victim’s fund Link: 10fulltext yaacobhakimah/view
- Title: Shariah contract muqtadha al-aqd Link:
- Title: Odious Debt link:
- Title: Islamic Jurisprudence Link:
- 95.
- Title: Usul fiqh arrangement methodology Link:
- 100.
Award & Recognition
- 1.Best Academician Patron Library 2020, UNISSA, Brunei.
- Best Paper Award, “Critics on the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) From Shariah Banking & Investment, 6th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance, Manila Philippines.
- Best Paper Award, “Shariah Governance and Regulatory Framework” AICIF 5th 2017, Jerudung Park, Brunei Darulsalam.
- Best Paper Award [Legal Analysis on Setting Up Sadaqah as an institution and Banking Product] from BIMB-IRCEIF, Sadaqa House, Kolej University Islam Selangor (KUIS), held at Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad, 29th of Oct 2015, Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur.
- Best paper Award [multidisciplinary category] from International Conference on Islamic Economics and Business (ICIEB) 2012, entitled “Analysis of Legal issues in Islamic Finance products, Procedures and legal Documentation.” held at A’ Famosa, Malacca, 29 June-01 July 2012.
- First Malaysian Female victimologist, awarded by the Tokiwa Institute of Victimology (TIVI), Japan.