Associate Professor
Contact Info:
Associate Professor Dr Hajah Rose Binti Abdullah
Profile Summary
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- CV
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Academic Qualifications
- BA Economics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) (1987)
- Master in Business Administration, Heriot Watt University, UK (1999)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Banking and Insurance, London, UK (2005)
- Master in Islamic Banking and Finance, UBD (2009)
- PhD, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2014)
Area of Expertise
- Islamic Financial Economics
Administrative Duties
- Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, UNISSA (2021 untill now)
- Member, UNISSA Senate (2021 untill now)
- Director of Centre for Research and Publication
Thesis/Dissertations Supervisions
- Hjh Rose Abdullah, 2014, Kewangan Mikro Islam Berasaskan Wakaf di Brunei, tesis doktor falsafah, UKM, Malaysia. Hjh Rose Abdullah, 2009, Zakat and its Socioeconomics Roles in Brunei: A Case Study, master thesis, UBD, Brunei.
- Research
- Ketua Penyelidikan – The Impact of the implementation of Social Policy on the welfare of the recipients in Brunei (on going)
- Ketua Penyelidikan – Shariah Audit, Shariah Governance and Risk Management of Islamic Financial Institutions (IFIs). (On going)
- Ketua Penyelidikan – The Impact of Low Oil Prices on the Development of Non-Oil Sectors in Brunei (completed 31 Dec 2019).
- Ketua Penyelidikan – Analisis Pengurusan Kualiti di Institusi Pembangunan Islam: Kajian Perbandingan Antara Brunei dan Malaysia (Completed May 2018)
- Ahli Penyelidikan – Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan: Kajian Perbandingan Antara Negara Brunei dan Malaysia. (2015-2016). (Completed 2017)
- Ahli Penyelidikan – Sejarah dan Perkembangan UNISSA 10 Tahun (completed December 2017)
- Muslichah Machali, Rose Abdullah, Lutfi Razak. 2019. The Effect of Halal Foods Awareness on Purchase Decision with Religiosity as a Moderating Variable: A Study Among University Students in Brunei, Journal of Islamic Marketing, Emerald Publisher. August 28, 2019.
- Hassnian Ali, Rose Abdullah and Muhd Zaki Zaini. 2019. Fintech and Its Potential Impact on Islamic Banking and Finance Industry: A Case Study of Brunei and Malaysia, International Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance, Vol. 2(1), pg 73-108, July 2019.
- Rose Abdullah. 2018. Pendidikan Islam di Vietnam: Madrasah Darussalam Tay Ninh Sebagai Model, Journal of Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah, JSASS Special Issue Vol 2 Bil. September 2018 – The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. http://journal.kuis.edu.my/jsass/issues/jsass-special-issue-2#artikel-1-20
- Md Hasnol Alwee Md Salleh, Rose Abdullah and Selamah Maamor. 2018. A Review on Framework for Credit Outlook in Islamic Finance: a Personal Financial Perspective. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET). Dec 2018.
- Nehaluddin Ahmad, Rose Abdullah and Nurasmah Damit. 2018. The Impact of Social Media on Children: An Overview. International Journal for Studies on Children, Women, Elderly and Disabled, Vol. 5, (Oct.2018) ISSN 0128-309X
- Rose Abdullah and Abdurrahman Raden Aji Haqqi, 2017. Zakat for Asnaf Al-Gharimun in Brunei: Concepts and Practices Al-Iqtisad: Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi Syariah, Vol. 9 (2), July 2017.
- Rose Abdullah and Abd Ghafar Ismail Taking Stock on the Waqf-Based Islamic Microfinance, International Journal Of Social Economics. (Accepted on 7th March 2016)
- Putri Reno Kemala Sari and Rose Abdullah, 2016, Risk Management Innovation of Islamic Financial Institution EJIF: European Journal of Islamic Finance, 4,2016 http://www.ojs.unito.it/index.php/EJIF. 9.Rose Abdullah and Abd Ghafar Ismail, 2014, Al Tawhid in Relation to the Economic Order of Microfinance Institutions. Humanomics: The International Journal of Systems and Ethics, Volume 30 Number 4 2014, ISSN 0828-8666. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 10.Nurhasanah Morsid and Hajah Rose Abdullah, 2014, The Effectiveness of Islamic Microfinance in Brunei: A Case Study, The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research (JMIFR), 2014 Volume 11/No1 2014. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. 11.Mohamed Sharif Bashir, Nur Annisa Sarbini and Rose Abdullah, 2012, Zakat Management and Capital Assistances Programme in Brunei, The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research (JMIFR), volume 9/No.1 2012, ISSN:1823-075X, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia). 12.Rafiqul Islam, Dr Hjh Naemah, Hjh Rose Abdullah, Hjh Noor Maya, 2003, “Higher Education and Unemployment: Some Observations on the Nature of Graduate Unemployment in Brunei”, Brunei Journal of Technology and Commerce, Volume 3 Number 1, September 2003.
- Rafiqul Islam, Rose Abdullah and Noor Maya, 2001, ‘Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Brunei: Importance and Constraints’, Brunei Journal of Technology and Commerce, Volume 2 Number 1, April 2001.
- Pengurusan Kualiti Institusi Pembangunan Islam di Brunei dan Malaysia, Fadzila Azni Ahmad, Rose Abdullah, Nurhidayah Marzuki, Norliza Mahalle dan Nurul Nabilah Ali, 2019, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Kegemilangan UNISSA mencorak Masa Depan Ummah, Norarfan Zainal dan Rose Abdullah, 2018, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- UNISSA: Satu Dekad Perkembangan dan Pencapaian, penyunting: Norarfan Zainal dan Rose Abdullah, 2018, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, UNISSA Press,Brunei.
- Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan di Malaysia dan Brunei, Edited by: Zakaria Bahari, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah, 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Islamic Financial Literacy, Edited by Abdul Ghafar Ismail, Rose Abdullah, Khalifa Mohamed Ali, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei, October 2016
- 2nd Edition, Book on Zakat Management in Brunei: Funding the Economic Activities of the Poor, Hajah Rose Abdullah, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei, December 2015.
- Poverty and Microfinance in Brunei, Hjh Rose Abdullah, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei, 5 Oct. 2015.
- Book on Zakat Management in Brunei: Funding the Economic Activities of the Poor, Hajah Rose Abdullah, Brunei, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, 15 May 2012.
- Book on Principles and Practices of Banking: A Brunei Perspective-series 2, Rafiqul Islam, Dr Hjh Naemah, Hjh Rose Abdullah, January 2007.
- Book on Principles and Practices of Banking: A Brunei Perspective-series 1, Rafiqul Islam, Dr Hjh Naemah, Hjh Rose Abdullah, December 2004.
- Book on Report on Small and Medium Enterprises in Brunei, By Rafiqul, Rose and Maya, March 2002.
- Rose Abdullah and Ilyas Metusin. 2018. Contemporary Issues in Distribution of Zakat to Asnaf Mu’allaf: Brunei Experience, Diaspora Melayu Perkembangan & Cabaran. 2018. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia.
- Muhd Khairul Hidayatullah Basir and Rose Abdullah. 2018. The Opportunity of Public-Private Partnership for Brunei, Diaspora Melayu Perkembangan & Cabaran. 2018. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjong Malim, Perak, Malaysia.
- Rose Abdullah. 2018 Pencapaian dan halatuju Penyelidikan dan Penerbitan UNISSA, dalam UNISSA: Satu Dekad Perkembangan dan Pencapaian. Edited by Norarfan Zainal dan Rose Abdullah. 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei
- Rose Abdullah, 2018. Pelaksanaan Istibdal Wakaf Dari Aspek Undang-Undang Brunei, dalam Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan di Malaysia dan Brunei, Edited by: Zakaria Bahari, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah, 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Rose Abdullah dan Norliza Dato Seri Setia Hj Mahalle, 2018. Pengurusan Pelaksanaan Istibdal Wakaf di Brunei, dalam Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan di Malaysia dan Brunei, Edited by: Zakaria Bahari, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah, 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Kamaru Salam Yusof dan Rose Abdullah, 2018. Pandangan Pakar Mengenai Istibdal Wakaf Di Brunei, dalam Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan di Malaysia dan Brunei, Edited by: Zakaria Bahari, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah, 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Kamaru Salam Yusof dan Rose Abdullah, 2018. Isu Dan Cabaran Pelaksanaan Istibdal Wakaf di Brunei, dalam Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan di Malaysia dan Brunei, Edited by: Zakaria Bahari, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah, 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Kamaru Salam Yusof dan Rose Abdullah Prospek Pelaksanaan Istibdal Wakaf di Malaysia Dan Brunei, dalam Istibdal Wakaf Dalam Pembangunan di Malaysia dan Brunei, Edited by: Zakaria Bahari, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah, 2018. UNISSA Press, Brunei.
- Rose Abdullah, 2018, ‘Islamic Microfinance Institutions in Brunei: The Way Forward’, Financial Inclusiveness of the Poor Beyond Microfinance, IIUM Press, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Kamaru Salam Yusof, Rose Abdullah and Faris Imadi Rosli. (2017). The Economic Growth Elements in Medina During the Prophet Sallallahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam, Proceeding of the 1st International Conference on Islamic Economics, Business, and Philanthropy (ICIEBP 2017), Universiti Pendidikan Indonesia, Bandong, Indonesia. SCOPUS Proceeding.
- Rose Abdullah and Ahmad Lutfi Haji Abdul Razak, 2016, ‘Exploratory Research into Islamic Financial Literacy in Brunei’, Islamic Financial Literacy, UNISSA Press, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali.
- Hjh Rose Abdullah, 2016, Ekonomi dan Kewangan Islam, Menghayati Pemahaman Melayu Islam Beraja, UNISSA Press, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei.
- Rose Abdullah, 2013, ‘Islamic Microfinance: Ethical and Other Issues’, Islam and Economics: A Collection of Readings, Universiti Utara Malaysia. (in the process of publication).
- Rose Abdullah, Abd Nasir Abd Rani, Kamaru Salam Yusof, Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi Melalui Institusi Wakaf di Negara Brunei: Isu dan Cabaran, Waqf Iqlimi, USIM, 14 November 2016. (in the process of publication)
- Perkembangan Sumbangan Pertanian Dalam KDNK NBD. Rose Abdullah Majlis Ilmu 2018, anjuran Kementerian Sumber Utama dan Pelancongan, pada 28 November 2018, Pusat Persidangan Antarabangsa, Brunei.
- Challenges of Waqf Management in Brunei International Conference, 21 November 2018. Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
- Potential of Islamic Finance’, presented as invited panelist Rose Abdullah 6th ASEAN Universities International Conference on Islamic Finance, 14-15 November 2018, New World Makati Hotel, Manila, Philippines.
- ‘Islamic Business and Economic Growth in Brunei”. Rose Abdullah and Zawawi Bahari 14-15 November 2018, International Seminar on Islamic Economics and Business (ISIEB), Building Synergy Between Halal Sector and Islamic Financial Industry in the Disruption Era: Opportunity and Challenge, Universiti Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga, Jogjakarta, Indonesia.
- Hala Tuju Wakaf Mencapai Wawasan 2035. Rose Abdullah. 9 Mei 2018, Perbincangan Meja Bulat Wakaf, FEKIm, UNISSA.
- Muslim Cham di Vietnam: Peranan Pendidikan Madrasah. Rose Abdullah. 26-30 April 2018, RECIT 6th, anjuran Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Malaysia, di Osaka, Jepun.
- The Role of Zakah in Sosio Economic Development in Brunei Rose Abdullah 14 March 2018, Brunei Islamic Banking and Finance Forum 2018; 25 Years of Islamic Banking and Finance in Brunei, Universiti Brunei.
- Fintech and Its Potential Impact on Islamic Banking and Finance: A Case Study of Brunei and Malaysia. Hassnian Ali, Rose Abdullah & Muhammad Zaki Zaini, World Islamic Finance Forum Expanding the Footprint of Islamic Finance: Innovation, Fintech and Regulation, 19-20 March, 2018, Karachi, Pakistan.
- Fintech And Financial Inclusion in Pakistan: An Exploratory Study, Hassnian Ali & Rose Abdullah, Thematic Workshop on Enhancing Poor’s Capability and Financial Inclusion from Islamic Perspective, 11-12 December, 2017, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- 10.Pembangunan Ummah Melalui Penyelidikan di Brunei, Rose Abdullah (keynote Speaker). Seminar Antarabangsa Pengajian Lepasan Ijazah 2017 Ke-4, 1-2 November 2017, KUIS, Selangor, Malaysia. De Palma Hotel Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
- Pengurusan Zakat di Brunei, Rose Abdullah, Perbincangan Meja Bulat Dasar: Pengurusan Zakat, 7-8 Ogos 2017, Fakulti Ekonomi dan Kewangan Islam, UNISSA.
- Roles of Zakat Institution in Brunei: Issues and Challenges, Rose Abdullah (Invited Speaker). World Zakat Forum, 15-16 March 2017, BAZNAS, Jakarta, Indonesia.
- Development of Islamic Banking and Finance in Selected ASEAN Countries: Brunei, Rose Abdullah (invited speaker), 4TH Asean International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF): A Re-evaluation and Way Forward, Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University of Malaysia, 6-8 December 2016, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia.
- Employment through Microfinance in Brunei: Challenges & Prospects, Nabilah Ali & Rose Abdullah, 4TH Asean International Conference on Islamic Finance (AICIF): A Re-evaluation and Way Forward, Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance, International Islamic University of Malaysia, 6-8 December 2016, Equatorial Hotel, Melaka, Malaysia.
- Contemporary Issues in Distribution of Zakat to Asnaf Mu’allaf: Brunei Experience, Rose Abdullah and Ilyas Metusin, ReCIT 5th, Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor, Malaysia, 6th November 2016, Masjid Ibrahim, Perth, Australia.
- Mobilising Islamic Social Capital: A Case Study on Cooperatives in Brunei Rose Abdullah and Lutfi Abdul Razak Thematic Workshop on Islamic Cooperatives as the Economic Organization of Social Capital, 12-13th October 2016, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia.
- Zakat Management in the Era of Caliph Umar Abdul Aziz Nurul Nabilah Ali & Rose Abdullah International Conference on Islamic Leadership and Management 2016, 6 August 2016, Faculty of Economics and Islamic Finance, UNISSA, Brunei.
- Distribution of Zakat to Asnaf Mu’allaf: Brunei Experience Rose Abdullah (invited speaker) International Seminar on the Current Issues in Islamic Economy, 26th July 2016 at Malangkucecwara School of Economics (MCE), Malang, Indonesia
- Issues in Border Territory: Chances and Challenges of Brunei in Confronting ASEAN Economic Community. Rose Abdullah (invited speaker) ASEAN Community Conference 2015, 11-12 November 2015, organized by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, at the Institut Latihan Islam Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Risk Management Innovation of Islamic Financial Institution Putri Reno Kemala Sari dan Hjh Rose Abdullah Thematic Workshop on Islamic Financial Innovations, 21-22 October 2015, School of Management and Economics, Corso Unione Sovietica 220 or 218 bis Turin, Italy.
- Zakat for Asnaf Al-Gharimun in Brunei: Concepts and Practices Hjh Rose Abdullah dan Abdurrahman Raden Aji Haqqi iECONS 2015 The 6th Islamic Economic System Conference, Faculty of Economics & Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 29-30 September 2015, Krabi, Thailand.
- Strategic Management Analysis of Microfinance Services on Performance Company (Empirical Studies on Swamitra, Indonesia) Arip Perbawa and Hjh Rose Abdullah iECONS 2015 The 6th Islamic Economic System Conference, Faculty of Economics & Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam, 29-30 September 2015, Krabi, Thailand.
- Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi Melalui Institusi Wakaf Di Negara Brunei: Isu dan Cabaran Hjh Rose Abdullah, Abdul Nasir Hj Abdul Rani dan Kamaru Salam Yusof. Muktamar Wakaf IQLIMI II 2015, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 26-27 Ogos, 2015, Nilai, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Pengurusan Wakaf Di Negara Brunei: Potensi dan Harapan Hjh Rose Abdullah. Kolokium Antarabangsa ‘Wacana Ilmiah Malaysia-Brunei 2015’, 13 April 2015. Dewan Jubilee, UNISSA.
- Konsep Pengurusan Kualiti Menurut Perspektif Islam – Pelaksanaan di Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah dan Hjh Norliza DSS Hj Mahalle Bengkel ISDEV RUT KE V – Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam, 2-4 Mac 2015. ISDEV, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
- Pengurusan Wakaf di Brunei: Tinjauan Awal Terhadap Pelaksanaan Istibdal Wakaf. Hjh Rose Abdullah dan Hjh Norliza DSS Hj Mahalle Bengkel ISDEV RUT KE V – Pembangunan Berteraskan Islam, 2-4 Mac 2015. ISDEV, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
- Exploratory Research into Islamic Financial Literacy in Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah and Ahmad Lutfi Abdul Razak, Thematic Workshop on Islamic Financial Literacy, Organised by Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, UNISSA and IRTI, IDBG, Jeddah. 25 & 26 February 2015. UNISSA Auditorium.
- The Effect of Religiosity on Purchase Decision Towards Halal Foods with Awareness as Intervening Variable Dr Muslichah Machali, Dr Hjh Rose Abdullah, Ahmad Lutfi Hj Abdul Razak. Malaysia-Indonesia International Conference on Economic, Management and Accounting (MIICEMA 2014), 10-11 November 2014, Hotel Bangi-Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Model of Cash Waqf based Islamic Microfinance Institution in Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah & Prof Dr Abd Ghafar Ismail International Workshop on Business Models in Islamic Microfinance, 6-7 May 2014, organised by International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan and Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/GIDB), Jeddah. International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan.
- .Microfinance in Brunei, Hjh Rose Abdullah, Roundtable Discussion on Financial Inclusiveness of the poor: Beyond Microfinance, 21-22 October 2013, Universiti Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang, Indonesia in cooperation with Islamic Research and Training Institute (IRTI/GIDB), Jeddah and Perhimpunan BMT Indonesia.
- Innovation in Waqf Management in Brunei, Hjh Rose Abdullah Roundtable Discussion, 5 September 2013, Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei.
- The Effectiveness of Islamic Microfinance in Brunei: A Case Study. Nurhasanah Morsid and Hajah Rose Abdullah Proceeding of The 5th Islamic Economic System Conference (iECONS 2013), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. 4-5 September 2013, Berjaya Times square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
- Acknowledging Micro and Small Enterprises as Economic Engine, Hajah Rose Abdullah & Prof Dr Abd Ghafar Ismail Persidangan Kebangsaan Ekonomi Malaysia ke VIII 2013, Dasar Awam dalam Era Transformasi Ekonomi: Cabaran dan Halatuju, Pusat Pengajian Ekonomi, Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan, Universiti kebangsaan Malaysia, 7-9 Jun 2013, KSL Hotel & Resort, Johor Bahru.
- Poverty in a Rich Country: A Case Study in Brunei, Rose Abdullah & Nur Hasanah Hj Morsid International Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Islamic Economics & Finance: Current Issues and Future Prospects, Durham Doctoral Training Centre for Islamic Finance, 21-22 May 2013, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK.
- Zakat System in Brunei: Legal Foundation, Regulatory Framework and Supervision, Hjh Rose Abdullah. International Workshop on Zakat, Waqf and Islamic Microfinance, “Strengthening Islamic Social Finance Sector”, 29 – 30 April 2013, IPB International Convention Center, (IICC), Bogor, Indonesia.
- Zakat System in Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah Visiting Professor Program, Postgraduate Program, University of Ibn Khaldun Bogor, 30th April 2013, Bogor, Indonesia.
- Theoretical Model of Waqf Based Microfinance, Hajah Rose Abdullah and Prof Dr Abd Ghafar Ismail 4th UKM-Kyoto University International Symposium on Islam, Civilization and Science 2013 (ISIMCAS 2013),19-20 February 2013, Puri Pujangga, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Al Tawhid in Relation to the Economic Order of Microfinance Institutions, Hajah Rose Abdullah and Prof Dr Abd Ghafar Ismail The Fifth Foundation of Islamic Finance Conference, 9-11 July 2012. Universiti Utara Malaysia, Westin Langkawi Resort and Spa, Kedah, Malaysia.
- The Roles of Microfinance in Brunei, Hjh Rose Abdullah Seminar Sempena Persidangan Sekretariat Ar Rahnu Serantau 2012, Pattani, Thailand. 7-10 July 2012. Sekretariat Ar Rahnu Serantau dan Koperasi Islam Pattani Berhad.
- Microfinance Services in Brunei, Hjh Rose Abdullah International Conference on Islamic Finance 2012, Rizqun International Hotel, Bandar Seri Begawan, 15 – 17 May 2012. Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei, in collaboration with International Shari’ah Research Academy for Islamic Finance (ISRA), Malaysia and supported by Centre for Islamic Banking, Finance and Management, Brunei.
- Badan Tanmiah’s Experiences in Managing Waqaf Property, Hjh Rose Abdullah. Workshop on Islamic Economics and Finance 6-7 December 2011, National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Zakat as Capital Source for the Poor and Needy in Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah. International Conference on Islamic Finance, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, 1-2 March 2010, Rizqun International Hotel, Bandar Seri Begawan.
- Zakat Management in Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah Seventh International Conference: The Tawhidy Epistemology: Zakat and Waqf Economy, 6 – 7 January 2010, National University of Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Role of Policy Based Financing in MSE Finance in Brunei Hjh Rose Abdullah ASEAN-Japan Policy Workshop on SME Development (Micro and Small Enterprise Finance), 6-7 February 2007, Rizqun International Hotel, BSB.Credit Unions and Cooperatives, Brunei country paper, Hjh Rose Abdullah Young Leaders Forum APEC, 9 – 13 September 2002, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Department Examination
2005, GR and FR, UBD Hall
Award & Recognition
- UNISSA Book Award 2018 (English Book category)
- Excellent Staff Award – UNISSA for Research (Senior Category) 2018
- The Best Paper Award – Third Strategic Management Analysis of Microfinance Services on Performance Company (Empirical Studies on Swamitra, Indonesia) Arip Perbawa dan Hjh Rose Abdullah iECONS 2015 The 6th Islamic Economic System Conference, Faculty of Economics & Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam, 29-30 September 2015, Krabi, Thailand.
- Outstanding Paper in the 2015 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellent Rose Abdullah and Abdul Ghafar Ismail, 2014, Al-Tawhid in Relation to the Economic Order of Microfinance Institutions, Humanomics. Emerald Group Publisher. 2015.
- The Best Paper Award – First Nurhasanah Morsid and Hajah Rose Abdullah, 2013, The Effectiveness of Islamic Microfinance in Brunei, The 5th Islamic Economic System Conference (iECONS 2013), Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.
- Pingat Kerja Lama (PKL) – 2014
- Pingat Indah Kerja Baik (PIKB) – 2012
- Anugerah Pegawai Terbaik, Latihan dan Pengurusan, Pusat Sumber, kementerian Perindustrian dan Sumber-Sumber Utama, 1997