Associate Professor Dr Adel M. Abdulaziz Algeriani
Profile Summary
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Academic Qualifications
- 1982-1985 , B.A. Hons. History – Sabha University, Faculty of Education. Libya
- 988- 1989 , Higher Diploma (History) – Al-Fateh University, Faculty of Education. Libya.
- 1992- 1995 , Masters in Islamic Studies (Islamic Civilisation) – Department of Arabic Language & Islamic Civilisation, Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
- 1996 – 2000, Doctor of Philosophy (History) -Department of History, Faculty of Social Science & Humanities,Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Area of Expertise
1- Islamic history and civilization
2- Islamic manuscripts
Administrative Duties
- Deputy Director, Institute of World Management & Fatwa
- Research Centre (INFAD) KUIM
- Coordinator, Research Unit INFAD
- Editor, Ulum Islamiyah Journal USIM
- Chief Editor, Ma’alim al-Quran & al-Sunnah Journal
- Member, Rabitah Alam Islami (World Muslim League)
- Committee Member, World Multaqa of Azhar Alumni
- Committee Member, World Multaqa of Ulama
- Committee Member, Konvensyen Wasatiyyah
- Committee Member, Pengajian Siswazah USIM
- Advisor, International Students Association (ISS) USIM
- Editor, Invited Guest Script for Jejak Rasul 16th Edition TV3
- Coordinator, International Relations Unit INFAD- USIM
- Presenter, Project Paper for Final Year Students FPQS – USIM
- Committee Member, Faculty of Quranic studeis Publication USIM
- Committee Member, Faculty of Quranic studeis Graduate Studies
- Committee Member, Conference (Faculty of Quranic studeis- USIM)
- Judge, National & International Debate Championships USIM
- Head of Programme, Islamic Heritage UIM
- Senate Member, UIM
- Member, Professors Council UIM
- Advisory Board Member of Al Sheikh Al Tahir Al Zawi Journal for
- Research and Manuscript Studies
- International Advisor for the al-Andalus University (Turkey)
- Senate Member (UNISZA)
- Advisory Board Member of Al-Qanatir Journal
- Ahli Kumpulan Penyelidik Bidang Sirah Rasul
Teaching Responsibilities
- Biography of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)
- History, Role and Development of Islamic Libraries
- Introduction to Malay & Islamic Manuscripts
- Malay & Islamic Manuscripts: Study and Analysis
- History of juriprucdecne
- Contemporary history of the Muslim world
- The Holy Qur’an Thematic Interpreation
- History of Islamic Africa
- Research Metodology for Post Graduate Student
- History of Islamic Historians
- Fiqh al Sirah
Thesis/Dissertations Supervisions
تنمية شخصية طلبة جامعة السلطان الشريف علي الإسلامية من خلال القيم الروحية والأخلاقية في السيرة النبوية, NAHIL S.E ABUHALIB, PhD, 2024-present
1. Books
- Lectures in the Interpretation of Ruling Verses – Fajar Ulung (2003)
- Research in the History of Islamic Legal Ruling – Fajar Ulung (2004)
- Manual and Guide for Qur’anic Teachers: Personality, Knowledge, and Teaching – YADIM (2006)
- Syeikh Abdullah al-Maghribi and His Role in the Development of Education in the Malay Land – USIM/WICS (2006)
- The Historian Ahmad Bin Abi Ya’kob al-Ya’kobi: His Life and Methodology in History – USIM (2007)
- Biography of Malaysian Mufti – USIM (2008)
- Sunnah, Inspirasi, Inovasi dan Transformasi (Chapter 3: 207-217) – Dar Alsyaker Malaysia (2012)
- Lectures in the Prophet Mohammad Biography – Dar Alsyaker Malaysia (2015)
- Research in the Biography of Prophet Mohammad – Dar Alsyaker Malaysia
- 1st Edition (2015)
- 2nd Edition (2016)
- Al-Mukhtassar fi Sirat Khair Al-Bashar – Dar Alsyaker Malaysia (2018)
- Research in Fiqh Al Sirah – UFUQ Journal (2021)
- Tahqiq Study on Umat Melayu – In the process of publication (2022)
- Symbols in the Arabic Manuscripts – In the process of publication (2022)
- Al-Misk wa al-Raihan in the History of Kelantan Sultans – In the process of publication (2022)
- Teaching Wisdom in Islamic Universities – In the process of publication (2022)
- Addressing Allegations Against The Prophet and The Quran in Al-Furqan Verse: Thematic Interpretation – Majalla Kairala (January 2022)
2. Articles/Proceedings
- Al-Yaqubiy and His Methodology in History Writing – UKM (2000)
- Brotherhood: The Essence of Virtues of Islamic Deeds – KUIM (2003)
- History on the Founding and Development of the Anti-Hadith – KUIM (2005)
- Book Review: World Change by Anuar Abdul Malik – KUIM (2005)
- Management and Education System in the Zawayah Sanusiah of Libya in the Second Ottoman Empire – UKM (2005)
- Syeikh Abdul Aziz Bin Baz – Buletin INFAD-USIM (2005)
- Rasulullah Being the Unlettered Messenger of Allah: A Miracle Instead of a Weakness – Buletin FPQS-USIM (2005)
- A Brief Look on the Sufiah Tariqas in Malaysia – Akhbar (Dakwah Islamiyyah Antarabangsa) (2005)
- Al-Syeikh Dr. Yusof al-Qardhawi – Buletin INFAD-USIM (2005)
- Lamhah Mujazah ‘nan Darul Ifta’ al-Mesriyyah – Buletin INFAD-USIM (2006)
- Al-Syeikh Abdullah Bin Baz and His Methodology in Legal Opinion – Buletin INFAD-USIM (2006)
- Al-Juzur al-Tarikhiyyah Li al-Munkiri al-Sunnah Wa Amakin Intisyarihim – Buhuth al-Nadwah al-Ilmiyyah (2006)
- Historical Review of Umayyad Library – Buletin FPQS-USIM (2007)
- The Administrative and Educational Structure of the Sanussiyyah Zawayah in Libya During the Second Ottoman Rule: A Historical Perspective – Jurnal Islamiyyat FPI, UKM (2007)
- Importance and Role of Mosques Through the Educational Perspective in the Muslim Society – Seminar Kebangsaan Pengurusan Masjid UTM (2007)
- Rasulullah’s S.A.W Methodology in Facing the Economic Challenges and Crises of Madinah – Seminar Internasional Universitas Medan Area (2008)
- Islam Hadhari and the Problem of Religious Pluralism in Malaysia – International Seminar for Islamic Civilization, Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan (2008)
- The Teaching of Arabic Language in the College of Islamic Da’wah: A Descriptive Study – Seminar Pengajaran Bahasa, Kesusasteraan dan Kebudayaan Arab Di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi di UKM (2008)
- The Role of Libraries in Enriching the Scientific Life in the Abbasid Era – Seminar Tamadun Islam di UKM (2008)
- Rasulullah’s S.A.W Methodology in Facing the Economic Challenges and Crises of Madinah Al-Munawwarah – Ma’alim Fi Ulum al-Quran, USIM (2011)
- The Creeds of Islam Befitting Al-Qur’an and As-Sunnah – Seminar Berpegang Kepada Al-Quran Dan As-Sunnah (2011)
- Definition of Original Capital in Light of the Holy Qur’an and Sunnah – Jurnal Darul Quran (2011)
- Arabic Search Engines of Prophetic Hadiths – Seminar Warisan Nabawi, USIM (2012)
- Methods and Approaches to Teaching Prophet Mohammed’s Biography – Seminar Serantau Institusi Pengajian Manahij Wa Turuq Tadris Sirah al-Rasul (2012)
- The Importance of Oil and Gas Sector for Libya: Current Scenario and Future Trends – Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (AJBAS) SCOPUS Journal (2013)
3. Internet Publications
- General Features of Architecture and Art in the City of Sokna (6 Juzuk) – (2005)
- Al-Mujahid Omar al-Mokhtar: Compiler of Reform, Da’wah and Jihad – (2005)
- Al-Syair al-Faqih Mas’ud bin Abd al-Rahman al-Riyahi – (2005)
4. Research
- Study on the Application of the Teaching of Iqra in National Schools – USIM (2003)
- Fatwa Management in Singapore – USIM (2005)
- Learning of Sirah Rasul in Islamic Primary Schools: Study on the Syllabus and Effectiveness in Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan – USIM (2007)
- Learning of Sirah Rasul in Islamic Primary Schools: Study on the Syllabus and Effectiveness in Negeri Sembilan – USIM (2013)
- Role of Malaysian Universities (Government and Private) in the Collecting and Studying of Manuscripts – UIM (2017)
- Study on Rational Education Policy al-Hikmah During the Islamic Abbasid Period – UIM (2017)
- The Houses of Wisdom (Buyut al-Hikmah) in Islamic Civilization: A Comparative Study – UIM (2018)
- A Thematic Analysis of Wisdom Verses in the Holy Qur’an – UIM (2018/2019)
Award & Recognition
- Excellent Service Award KUIM (2003)
- Excellent Service Award KUIM (2005)
- Excellent Service Award KUIM (2006)
- Bronze Medal Award in the IPT Research Expo (2006)
- Ijazah in the Malki jurisprudence (2007)
- Special Award from Al-Azhar University in conjunction with WorldMultaqa of Al-Azhar Alumni, Kuala Lumpur (2008)
- Exemplary Lecturer, Faculty of Quranic & Sunnah Studies (2013)