Ali Ali Hussein Gahzwan
Profile Summary
- Google Scholar
- Q1-DOI Link
- CV
- Research Gate
Academic Qualifications
- 1999 – Diploma in Quran Sciences – Higher Institute Teachers, Sanaa
- 2003 – BA in Arabic Language – University of Science and Technology, Yemen
- 2016 – MA in Arabic Language (Grammar and Morphology) – Sanaa University
- 2019 – Ph.D. in Arabic Language (Grammar and Morphology) – University of the Holy Quran and Islamic Sciences, Sudan
- 1996 – Ijazah in the Seven Qira’at – Daar Al-Quran, Sanaa University
- 2002 – Ijazah in the Ten Qira’at – Daar Al-Quran, Sanaa University
Area of Expertise
- AL-QURAN- Usuluddin and another Faculty.
- Arabic language- Grammar and
Administrative Duties
- Activity, (UNISSA, 2023– Present).
- -Research, (UNISSA, 2023– Present).
- AL-QRAAT, (UNISSA, 2024– Present).
- -MAQRAH AL-MAHIR, (UNISSA, 2024– Present).
- Mufasa journal: SECTION EDITORS (ARABIC) (UNISSA, 2024– Present)
Teaching Responsibilities
AL-QURAN& AL-QRAAT: level 1(2023):
- UT 1101:BA level 1(2023).
- UT4113: BA level 1(2023).
- UQ3110: BA level 1(2023).
- UT7101: MA level 1(2023).
- UQ2305: BA level 1(2023).
- UT7101: MA level2(2023).
- UQ3110: BA level2(2023).
- UT3105: BA level2(2023).
- UQ2308: BA level2(2023).
- UQ7101: MA level 1(2024).
- UT7101: MA level 1(2024).
- UT4113: BA level 1(2024).
- UQ3311: BA level 1(2024).
- UA3312: BA level 1(2024).
- UQ7102: MA level 2(2024).
- UT7102: MA level 2(2024).
- UT4113: BA level 2(2024).
- UQ3312: BA level 2(2024).
- Quranic Grammar: college of Distance Education,
- Research propjets · Linguistic Speaking and Writing Skills and Their · Relation to Students’ Comprehension of Mutawatirah Qira’at in Brunei Darussalam: University Islam Sultan.Sharif Ali as a Model AL-QRAAT in the Sultanate of BRUNEI · DARUSSALAM, methods of presenting them and meansof facilitating them.
Paper Presented
ر القرآن الكريم أنموذجاً، مجلة جامعة القرآن
- منهجية اإلقراء في اليمن: دُو
Award & Recognition
- Honoring in Quranic circles, centers, and Quranic Schools, as well as the University of the Holy Quran and Islamic
- Recommending the printing of the doctoral