العشر المسائل : المشهور/ ببيان الواضح المشهود من فضائح النصارى واليهود
أبي البقاء تقي الدين صالح بن الحسين الجعفري الهاشمي
- 272 pages 24 cm
includes tables includes verses from Qur'an includes Hadith
includes bibliographical references
A book on comparing religions, mentioning the position of Islam on other beliefs and religions, and the difference between its approach and others, and talking about the People of the Book and the People of the Covenant, and other things. It dealt with ten issues, such as proving the servitude of Christ, proving his prophethood, and explaining the scandals of the Jews and Christians, which he clarified and responded to through clear evidence and proofs.
9782745179739 (hardback) 274517973X
Comparison of religions--Islam and Christianity--Islam and Judaism