Terjemahan al-Quran Juz Amma : secara harfiah / - vi, 272 pages ; 21 cm

This is a new way of translating the Qur'an, which is a word-for-word translation of the verses one by one to help readers understand the content of the verses of the Qur'an while reading them. The purpose, among others, is as follows;

First; to achieve devotion in prayer.

Second; to enable tadabbur, that is to think and appreciate and learn from the meaning of each verse he reads in order to increase piety to Allah S.W.T..

Third; to guard against making the wrong waqaf, i.e. stopping in forbidden places such as stopping in the middle of pronouncing a verse because one does not understand its meaning.

9789830460550 (paperback) 978046055X (paperback)

Qur'an Juz 'Amma --Translation into Malay

BP129.42 / .T47