Ayyub, Hasan

Etika Islam : menuju kehidupan yang hakiki / al-Suluk ijtima'i fi al-Islam / - 726 pages ; 25 cm

Includes verses from Qurán

Sociologists acknowledge that humans are social beings. This means that humans can only live in society and no one can live alone without interacting with others. Therefore, social life or behavior needs to be studied intensively and extensively from various aspects, both from a religious perspective (Islamic ethics) and from other aspects such as cultural, economic, and political aspects.

This Islamic Ethics book tries to discuss intensively and extensively from a religious factor, in this case Islam. As we know, Islam is the most perfect religion, both with the concept of the Qur'an and the concept of the Sunnah. With these two capitals, social life will be prosperous physically and mentally. As the Messenger of Allah said, "I have left you two inheritances, if you hold fast to them, you will never go astray after I (pass away)." The two inheritances in question are the Book of Allah (Al-Qurannul Karim) and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah. Realizing this, the author in his discussion always argues with the two main points and is reinforced with the words of scholars and the opinions of intellectuals who have known and practiced the contents of the two books.

Bad habits and characteristics of members of society (for example gossiping, insulting, slandering, envying, or holding a grudge) are behaviors that often damage the image of a society. Habits and characteristics like these are also widely studied in this book. With the hope that they are not carried out by members of society on an ongoing basis. Hopefully that is how it is.

9798422244 (hardback)

Religious life --Islam

BP188 / A99