Abdul Azib Hussain,

Manhaj ilmu fiqah & usul fiqah = منهج الفقه واصوله / - xviii, 381 pages ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references.

Ilmu and jurisprudence were born with the birth of Islam because Islam is a collection of beliefs, morals, and practical laws (jurisprudence). This collection of jurisprudence consists of the laws of God and His Messenger, whose sources are the Qur'an and the Sunnah, which are fatwas during the time of the Prophet SAW regarding events, punishments in disputes, and answers to questions.

This Manhaj Ilmu Fiqah & Usul Fiqah is expected to be able to train today's generation to be able to think more critically and accurately in solving the demands of Muslims in every field of life and continue throughout the ages in the future. Indeed, the science of jurisprudence and usul fiqh is like a balance that guides the mind, the physical, and the spiritual of the community to happiness in life in this world and in the Hereafter.

9789673880669 (paperback)

Islamic law--Interpretation and construction.
Islamic law--Sources.

KBP145 / A2339