Halal Reviews - Intelligentia Resources

Food Safety in School Daily Meals: A Preliminary Survey on Understanding Level Among Primary School Students of Kafa Integrasi Al-Hijrah in Kajang, Selangor. ~

The Acceptance of Using Phyllanthus Emblica Lip Essence Oil Among Polytechnic Merlimau Students ~

Analisis Haiwan Halal Haram Dalam Kamus Al-Marbawi Karya Sheikh Mohd Idris Al-Marbawi: Analysis of Halal Haram Animals in Al-Marbawi Dictionary by Sheikh Mohd Idris Al-Marbawi

ḤALĀL REVIEWS is a refereed international journal that publishes original scholarly articles in the area of Halal research in the field of food science and technology, medicine, cosmeceutical science, natural science, and marketing.