Stein, Tobie S.

Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Performing Arts Workforce - Taylor & Francis 2019 - 1 online resource


Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Performing Arts Workforce examines the systemic and institutional barriers and individual biases that continue to perpetuate a predominately White nonprofit performing arts workforce in the United States. Workforce diversity, for purposes of this book, is defined as racial and ethnic diversity among workforce participants and stakeholders in the performing arts, including employees, artists, board members, funders, donors, educators, audience, and community members. The research explicitly uncovers the sociological and psychological reasons for inequitable workforce policies and practices within the historically White nonprofit performing arts sector, and provides examples of the ways in which transformative leaders, sharing a multiplicity of cultural backgrounds, can collaboratively and collectively create and produce a culturally plural community-centered workforce in the performing arts.

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9781138188457 9781315642314

10.4324/9781315642314 doi

Business & management
Child care & upbringing
Media, information & communication industries
Personnel & human resources management
The arts: general issues

ADEI; Arts Management; Cultural Policy; Diversity Management; HRM; White nonprofit performing arts; community-centered workforce; inequitable workforce policies