Haddix, Marcelle M.

Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Diversity in Literacy Teacher Education: Teachers Like Me - Taylor & Francis 2017 - 1 online resource


Cultivating Racial and Linguistic Diversity in Literacy Teacher Education examines how English and literacy teacher education-a space dominated by White, English-monolingual, middle class perspectives-shapes the experiences of preservice teachers of color and their construction of a teacher identity. Significant and timely, this book focuses attention on the unique needs and perspectives of racially and linguistically diverse preservice teachers in the field of literacy and English education and offers ways to improve teacher training to better meet the needs of preservice teachers from all racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds. These changes have the potential to diversify the teacher force and cultivate teachers who bring rich racial, cultural, and linguistic histories to the field of teaching.

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9780415729956 9780415729963 9781315850665

10.4324/9781315850665 doi

Educational strategies & policy

English education; Marcelle Haddix; diversity; identity; linguistic; linguistic diversity; literacy; racial diversity; teacher education