Share Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance - Indonesia : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam UIN Ar-Raniry - v. ; 29 cm.

(Vol 13, No 1 (2024))
 Micro Waqf Bank Innovation Models in Aceh
 Determinants of Risk in Indonesian Islamic Banking: An Empirical Investigation
 Economic Development Theory of Ibnu Khaldun: Interrelation between Justice and Umran al-Alam
 Cash Waqf Linked Deposit Potential for Revitalizing Islamic Banking in Indonesia
 Evaluating Financial Performance of Mining Companies Listed on Jakarta Islamic Index
 Redefining CRM for the Digital Age: The Role of Customer Data Protection from an Islamic Perspective
 The Influence of Islamic Marketing, Lifestyle, and Price on Pre-Loved Clothing Purchases: Intention as a Mediator
(Vol 12, No 2 (2023)

 Navigating Economic Landscapes: Strategic Insights Amidst the Pandemic and Beyond
 Economic Growth in Muslim and Non-Muslim Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Comparative Analysis
 Determinants of Zakat Compliance among Business Owners in Indonesia

 From Fiqh to Finance: Assessing Bitcoin Status in Indonesian Monetary System
 Harnessing Fintech for ZIS Payment in Indonesia: A Millennial Perspective
 From Fiqh to Finance: Assessing Bitcoin Status in Indonesian Monetary System
 Harnessing Fintech for ZIS Payment in Indonesia: A Millennial Perspective
 Exploring the Dynamics of Maqashid Performance in Indonesian Islamic Banking
 Buy Now, Think Later: Impulsive Buying Behavior among Generation Z in Indonesia
 Boosting Service Performance of Halal Restaurants: An Indonesian Experience
 Zakat Practices among Muslim Migrant Workers in Malaysia

 Measuring Muslim Welfare: A Falah-Based Index
 Cultural Values as Anti-Fraud Strategy: Lessons from Islamic Schools
 Optimizing Hajj Finance in Indonesia: The Role of Wakalah Contract
 The Halal Paradox: Strategies for Resilient Indonesian Food MSMEs
 Optimizing Dayah Business Units in Aceh: An ANP Study
 What Determines Foreign Direct Investment in Muslim Countries?
 What Drives MAIS Quality of Islamic Banks in Indonesia?
(Vol 12, No 1 (2023)
 Islamic Economic and Financial Practices in Indonesia: From Local to a Potential Global Framework
 Global Market Reaction to the Indonesian Islamic Capital Market During Covid Outbreak
 Performance of Sharia Public Companies During the Covid-19: An Altman Z-Score Analysis
 Cooperative Contracts in the Agricultural Sector and Their Impact on the Working Time Allocation
 Islamic Banking Governance in Maqashid Sharia Perspectives: A Systematic Literature Review
 Islamic Banking Loyalty in Indonesia: The Role Brand Image, Promotion, and Trust
 Optimization Strategy for Mudharabah Financing in Indonesian Islamic Banking
 Can Other Comprehensive Income Affect Dividend Payments in Indonesia?
 Preference of Non-Muslim Customers towards Islamic Banks within Muslim Minority Areas in Indonesia
 Unveiling the Benefits of Hajj Funds Investment in Indonesia
 Quadruple Helix Model in the Development of Halal Micro Business in North Sumatra
 Modeling Islamic Social Reporting in the Indonesian Capital Market
 The Effect of Macroeconomics and the State Budget on State Sharia Securities in Indonesia

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