Muhammad Zakariyya, 1898-1982

The differences of the Imams / Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Zakariyya Kandhlawi ; translated by Mawlana Muhammad Kadwa. - 1st US ed. - Santa Barbara, Calif. : White Thread Press, 2004 - x, 122 p. ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index

The chief reason for the differences of narrations during the era of Allah’s messenger -- The second reason : a special case is taken as a general order -- Apparent contradictions in the hadiths -- A general order is taken as a special case --A difference of perception -- Intentional action verses coincidence -- Underlying causes -- Words have multiple meanings -- Different types of injunctions -- Affectionate injunctions vs. cautionary injunctions -- Compelling interpretations -- Two categories of laws -- Fundamental and subsidiary differences -- Differences : a source of mercy -- Prejudice toward any school -- Narration by meaning -- Abrogation -- The problem of human error -- Love for Allah’s messenger -- Excessive links between narrators -- Weak narrators -- Fabrication of hadiths -- Tampering with sound narrations -- The main reason for the differences between the Imams -- Types of hadiths -- The basis of rejection and preference -- Assessment of a narrator -- The indispensability of the principles of hadiths -- The most basic reason for differences -- The opinions of the Imams are all from the hadiths -- Example of the Multi-faceted methods of inferring -- Summary of the above discussion -- The parable of the Imams of hadith -- Inference in our times -- The approach of the Hanafi school of thought

Hadith --Criticism, interpretation, etc
Islamic law --Interpretation and construction
Islamic law --Sources