Awangku Suharman bin Pengiran Tuah

Peranan Biro Kawalan Narkotik dalam membanteras penyalahgunaan dadah di Negara Brunei Darussalam / Ak. Suharman bin Pg. Tuah - Bandar Seri Begawan : Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2002. - xv, 183 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.

Tesis (Sarjana Muda Pengajian Brunei), Universiti Brunei Darussalam, 2002.

Includes bibliographical references.

This analysis looks at the issue of drug abuse and the relevant institution for handling it. Drug abuse proved to be the major social problem that happens in every society and state. This gave a negative impact, which start from the individual that are addicted to drugs, and then it influences society and country. As the impact is very humiliating, institution was established to handle this issue. So as in Negara Brunei Darussalam, which had established one institution known as Biro Kawalan Narcotic? The main focus of this analysis is to analyze the effectiveness of the Narcotics Control Bureau in curing the main issue of social problem in Brunei such as drug abuse. The main objective of the Narcotics Control Bureau establishment is in handling and abolished the problem of drug abuse. As a matter of fact, Narcotic Control Bureau is the only institution that established especially to cure the problem of drug abuse.

Biro Kawalan Narkotik --Brunei Darussalam

Drug abuse --Brunei Darussalam