Fiqih Imam Syafi'i : mengupas masalah fiqhiyah berdasarkan Al-Quran dan hadits /
Fiqih Imam Syafi'i : mengupas masalah fiqhiyah berdasarkan Al-Quran dan hadits / Prof. Dr. Wahbah Zuhaili ; penterjemaah Muhammad Afifi Adul Hafiz - volumes ; 25 cm. - Menjalankan ibadah sesuai tuntutan .
Includes bibliographical references.
volume 1
Perhaps there are already enough books of fiqh in circulation, but this one book of fiqh needs to be a separate reference for every Muslim. Because, this book of jurisprudence refers directly to the originator of the leading madhhab, Imam Syafi'i.
Through this book, we will get answers to various questions that have been tickling your mind.
• What is absolute water, and can we perform ablution with water that has been used for purification?
• Is it valid to perform ablution by washing all parts of the ablution with one wash at the same time?
• How to rub the body parts that are wounded and covered with bandages during ablution or bertayamum?
• What is the difference between seminal fluid, wadzi, and madzi and what is its influence on hadats?
• How to calculate the menstrual cycle for women who have just had their first period?
• What are the special characteristics that distinguish menstrual blood from istihadhah blood?
• What must be done by a woman who is istihadah?
• How to determine the prayer time in a region that is rarely exposed to sunlight (such as the Antarctic continent)?
• How to pray for people who are seriously ill?
• In critical conditions, is it permissible to pray while walking or running?
• Can adults or even dead people still perform aqiqah?
• What is the law of animals slaughtered by Christians and Jews, can Muslims eat them? • Can vow with something that is obligatory and haram
• Is it possible to replace someone else's Hajj by collecting money in return?
• What is the law of visiting the grave, is it allowed?
-- volume 3
• What are the consequences received by the child from the wife who has been abused by her husband?
• What rights does the wife receive from her ex-husband during the 'iddah period?
• Does a baby who drinks breast milk from a breast milk bank automatically have a breastfeeding relationship with the owner of the breast milk?
• What are the differences in lineage associated with consanguinity, marriage, and breastfeeding?
• Who has the most right to obtain custody of the child when the parents have died?
• After the parents divorce, is the father or mother the most entitled to take care of children over the age of 7?
• What factors prevent a person from acquiring inherited property?
• In the case of two heirs who died in close proximity, what procedure must be done in the division of their heirs?
• A billionaire who dies and has no heirs, where will his wealth be given?
• What is the proper qishash procedure according to Sharia guidelines?
• How much diyat is imposed in murders committed intentionally, unintentionally, and semi-intentionally?
• What is the true meaning of jihad, and is it true that every Muslim is obliged to wage jihad?
• What procedures must be done by non-Muslims in order to obtain the same rights as Muslims in Islamic countries?
• What can be used as evidence in Islamic justice?
• What conditions must be met by a judge before handing down a sentence?
• What is the procedure of court in absentia in Islamic justice?
publisher almahira dewavaai World with you
9789792582338 (hardback)
Islam --Customs and practices.
Islam --Rituals.
BP184 / Z84