Petua melahirkan dan panduan mendidikan zuriat cemerlang /
Includes verses from the Qurán
Every married couple wants offspring as a continuation of their life sharing. I want this life to be spent in the best possible way towards God and fellow human beings.
The next generation, they are our descendants who are not able to enrich this life with the fertility of faith without receiving a collective education from their parents.
Because of that, the process of nurturing and educating them starts with the mother and father being married. This means that the child's education starts from the parents at the marriage ceremony, during intercourse, daily routines, during pregnancy, at birth and so on.
Therefore, the willingness of parents in giving birth to brilliant offspring with potential for the world and the afterlife is endless. She is constantly shaping herself as a pious husband and a pious wife, a loving mother and a responsible husband and only then can the condition influence her offspring from the time of her womb.
This is part of the guide notes as a synopsis of this book. As a husband and wife who are about to have a baby, this book is very suitable to be used as a guide together.
9830070265 (paperback) 9789830770260 (paperback)
Child rearing --Religious aspects --Islam
Mother and child
Pregnancy --Religious aspects --Islam
Mother and child
Pregnancy --Religious aspects --Islam
BP188.3.C5 / P48