Menangani masalah remaja muslim /
Menangani masalah remaja muslim / Menuju ke arah wawasan 2020 : menangani masalah remaja muslim / penulis Drs. Zulpan Nasution - v, 114 pages ; 21 cm
includes verses from the Qurán
The era leading to the 21st century brought a change to the civilization and culture of Muslim youth. The impact of the explosion of advanced technology is increasingly eroding Muslim youth's devotion to religion.
This fact causes 1001 kinds of significant problems in the cultural environment of Muslim youth itself. This is not only neglecting the basic duty towards one's religion but also the endurance to restrain oneself from the symptoms of sin is so weak.
This crisis that is displayed in this book is not a matter of humor but needs to be dealt with together.
The writer who is so concerned about the problems of Muslim youth invites us to shoulder this responsibility together towards forming the ideal and visionary character of Muslim youth for the sake of society and the country.
9789839188677 (paperback) 9839188674 (paperback)
Adolescent psychology
Islam --Malaysia --MalaysiaYouth, Muslim
BP188.18 / Z85