Abstract Submission Guideline

The abstract should be no longer than 500 words. The title of the paper must be in bold and should include the names of all authors, with the presenting author’s name underlined and accompanied by contact details, including an email address. The abstract should briefly introduce the research topic, identify the research problem and/or objectives, outline the methodological approach used or planned to address the research problem, and summarise the main or expected findings and policy implications. Please ensure that the abstract is submitted in Microsoft Word format.


Abstract Review Process

All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process conducted by the Review Committee.


Notification of Acceptance/Rejection to Corresponding Author

Notifications will be sent to the corresponding author seven (7) days after abstract submission. Authors whose abstracts are accepted will receive instructions for submitting their full papers.


Submit Abstract



Full Paper Submission Guideline

Authors of accepted papers are required to submit full papers.

Empirical papers should include: Conceptual papers should include:
Title Title
Author Author
Abstract Abstract
Research Background Research Background
Literature Review Literature Review
Research Methods Discussion
Result and Discussion Conclusion
Conclusion References

Papers should be no longer than 8,000 words, including references, and must include 3 – 5 keywords. Papers must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document with other supporting documents as requested in the call for papers. Please use the Full Paper Template when submitting your paper and ensure the paper follows the APA style reference system. Prior to submissioncarefully proofread your paper to ensure accuracy and clarity. Additionally, please ensure the following:

• The submitted paper must be original, not previously published, and not under review elsewhere;
• Both the abstract and the full paper must be written in English; and
• You warrant that the paper is not an infringement of any existing copyrights and will indemnify the organisers against any legal breach of such warranty.

Submitted papers will go through a peer review process by the Review Committee.


Full Paper Template